Luokat: Kaikki - education - evolution - segregation - equality

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Education Timeline

Throughout history, significant events have shaped societal and educational landscapes. The launch of Sputnik in 1957 marked a pivotal moment in the Cold War and heightened anti-communist sentiments, commonly referred to as '

Education Timeline


1929:crash of wall street, begining of the great depression

1925: Scopes trial

John scopes challenges creation and wants to teach evolution. Scopes lost and was fined $100, never the less a precedent had been set.

1919: Soledad Gutierrez born in Guanajuato Mexico

My Grandmother Still Alive 91 years old. Still goes to Vegas to gamble

1912: Az. accepted into the United States,becoming a state

1904: Mary McLeod Bethune founded Daytona Normal and Industrial School for Training Negro Girls in Daytona Beach, Florida.

Daughter of former slaves helped in founding the N.A.A.C.P

1893: Committee of Ten

National Education Association published a study in which it recomended; H.S. 7-12, alternitive curriculum, curriculum does not differ whether or not seeking college entrance

1873:Kalamazoo case

Michigan Supreme Court ruling; upheld the use of tax money to support common schools

1862:Emancipation Proclamation/ Morrill

30000 acres to each congretional rep. to establish colleges of agriculture, and mechanical ed. known as land grant colleges

1837: Horace Mann

1st secretary of educationin the great state of Massachusetts


Eclectic reader published, it was a morality based book

1785: Northwest Ordinance

put in place so townships set the16th plot aside for a school

1783: Noah Webster

created The American Spelling Book

1782:Friedrich Froebel was born

father of kindergarten

1776: Declaration of Independence

1751: Ben Franklin Acadamy

1683:Boston Latin School

first grammar primarily a boys school ages 8-16

1647:Old Deluder Satan Act

it was thought that "satan's" mission was to keep them ignorant of "god's" word, that was the reason for this act. it was to counter "satan"

1636:Harvard founded

2010: I begin attending classes at GCC

2001: 9/11 attacks

we enter into war, our freedoms are being erroded American prestigue around thev globe is waning

1988: my first son is born Josua James Duarte

1984: my family moves to Ca. From Az.

1983: Reagan appoints National Commission on Excellence in Education

1980: John Lennon is shot dead

1979:Secretary of Education becomes a position in the executive branch of the United States of America, appointed by the P.O.T.U.S./ Shirley Hufstedler 1st one to hold that possition

1975:Tittle IX

Equality in the sports funding for female sports

1965:Elementary and Secondary act

War on poverty leading to the Bilingual Edu. Act in 1967

1970: Rigoberto Duarte born in the town of Naco, sonora Mexico

1964:Civil Rights Act

Milestone in American History leading the way to the present with America's first black President

1958:National Defence Act

because of the red scare the law was enacted to help fund more science based curriculum.

1957: Sputnik "spy" sattelite launched

Begining of the cold war and the begining of Russian/anticommunist sentiment / "The Red Scare"

1955: civil rights era begins

Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat on a bus, sparking the Montgomery bus boycot

1954: Brown v. board of education

Overturned Seperate but equal no longer ok for minorities to attend inferrior schools, because seperate but equal was not equal but segregated

1952:two revolutionary educators die

Maria Montessori & John Dewey, ; Maria promoted ideas that children are not mini-adults taght self learning. John emphasized student intrests rather than subject matter. Both believed in child centered curriculum.