Luokat: Kaikki - politics - education - reality - alienation

jonka chan jovan 3 vuotta sitten


Epic theatre VS Naturalism

Epic theatre and Naturalism represent two distinct approaches to theatre. Epic theatre aims to engage the audience's intellect, awakening them to political realities and societal issues.

Epic theatre VS Naturalism

Epic theatre VS Naturalism


Epic Theatre relates to the stage being an educational place while Naturalism relates the stage to portray realiaty

Epic Theatre

working on audiences' waking brains waking them up to the political realities beyond the door of the playhouse
the alienation effects(v-effect) in epic theatre reminds audience of the artificiality of the theatrical play by estranging them from emotional involvement in the play.
Epic theatre these actors could break out of character Use of songs but these songs were not as cheerful. Dull music Plays were political
Epic Theatre Avoid illusion and often interrupt the story line to address the audience directly with analysis, argument, or documentation
Uses stage as a place for instruction and education
various elements of theatre wouldnt integrate but cage fight each other


Naturalistic works exposed the dark harshness of life, including poverty, racism, sex, prejudice, disease, prostitution, and filth.
Naturalism, in philosophy, a theory that relates scientific method to philosophy by affirming that all beings and events in the universe are nutarual
mostly aimed to a common audience the middle class people. Their costumes were authentic and real (smt most ppl wld wear la everyday) Jump in times r not allowed for naturalism unlike other plays
Theatrical style that attempts to portray the realities and issues of everyday life

Stanislavski wanted his actors and plays to be naturalistic as possible, on the other hand Brecht concentrated more on epic and absurd style of acting