jonka Ann Gorsuch 12 vuotta sitten
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This map is meant to be a resource and site for sharing resources. It is not a comphrensive source of all resources out there, but instead focuses on providing tested resources.
Please feel free to add resources or commentary in notes. Enjoy!
More Comming
Noyce Scholars
BarryGoldWater Scholarship
Knowles Foundation Teaching Fellowship
keep your eyes open for TEDEd: Lesson Plans Worth Spreading
Fun, interactive, research-based simulations of physical phenomena from the PhET™ project at the University of Colorado.
Go to this site to convert ANY file you have into any other format you need—even converts video/audio/graphics (but slowly)—instructions for converting are on the zamzar site.
Assesment Questions and Data
Here you will find free access to more than 600 items. The items:
Are appropriate for middle and early high school students.
Test student understanding in the earth, life, physical sciences, and the nature of science.
Test for common misconceptions as well as correct ideas.
This website also includes:
Data on how well U.S. students are doing in science and where they are having difficulties, broken out by gender, English language learner status, and whether the students are in middle school or high school.
“My Item Bank,” a feature that allows you to select, save, and print items and answer keys (requires site registration).
A feature that allows you to create and take tests online using items from the item collection (requires site registration).
Thank you to Margie HIll for compiling this amazing list of resources
Check out the info on the Standards for Mathematical
Practices.......quite good! VIDEO CLIPS FROM CLASSROOMS
Smarter Balance Consortium--this is the one Kansas is part of
PARCC (the OTHER testing consortium that Ks. is NOT part of) has released draft frameworks for common core standards. Lots of information!
Check out the CMP (Connected Math Project) videos they've put together. Also, there is a competition for teachers worth $300 to view the videos and record where they SEE the CCSS Standards for Mathematical Practice.
Keep an eye on this for more info on the Standards progressions (final versions) being written by members of the original work team. (McCallam site)
Lot's of free video tutorials
This site provides video tutorials
TED Video: Let’s Use Videos to Reinvent Education,
March 2011
Great Resources
computer algebra systema and reference site
An email based volunteer program designed to help students master challenging math, science, and technology---demonstrates how professionals can serve as resources to students and teachers using the internet.
This is a student homework help line for mathematics for students in grades 6th through high.
Ideas for helping children learn math—elementary level
For ideas for Early Childhood math learning see
Collection of educational games for kids K through 6
Contains thousands of free mathematics enrichment
materials (problems, articles, games,…) for teachers and learners ages 5 to 10 years.
This is an multi-award winning website for math for kids in grades pre-school through 8th--- great source for enrichment/extension/review ----- problems, crafts, games, art, and projects
The Figure This! Mathematics Challenges for Families website ( provides a library of engaging mathematics activities that can be done at home and that help show how mathematics is used in the real world. The activities are aligned to the NCTM Standards of Number, Algebra, Geometry, and Data and are written for students in grades 5 through 8.
PBS provides a program MATHLINE for middle school mathematics teachers. This site contains some lesson plans for middle school teachers.
please add to this!!
Maria Andersen
Dan Meyer
Dan Meyer: Math class needs a makeover | Video on
Dan Meyer: Math class needs a makeover. You either have JavaScript turned off or have an old version of the Adobe Flash Player. To view this video you need ...
The American Mathematical Society (AMS) and the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics maintain a Word Wide Web site that discusses nonacademic careers in mathematics.
Mathematics Forum
The Mathematics Forum provides a variety of resources for mathematics educators.
Get the Math
Get the Math is designed to help students understand real-world applications of Algebra I. A series of interrelated video segments and interactive tools support student learning of algebra concepts related to music, fashion, and videogames. Teacher resources include videos of a New Jersey teacher using Get the Math materials in his classroom, as well as lesson plans with student handouts.
a site FULL of many lesson ideas and classroom activities.
free lessons, math news, puzzles, games, help center, and much more designed for students, teachers, and parents
The NCTM Illuminations Web site is designed to illuminate the new vision for school mathematics as presented in NCTM's Principles and Standards for School Mathematics. Goals of Illuminations:
1.) Provide resources that will help improve the teaching and learning of mathematics for all students.
2) Provide resources that bring alive the ideas and recommendations set forth in the NCTM Principles and Standards for School Mathematics (Standards 2000).
3) Provide Standards-based resources for classroom use. 4) Help communicate the vision of Standards-based mathematics teaching and learning.
Inside Mathematics is a professional resource for educators interested in improving students' mathematics learning and performance. This site features classroom examples of innovative teaching methods and insights into student learning, tools for mathematics instruction that teachers can use immediately, and video tours of the ideas and materials on the site.
Check out the info on the Standards for Mathematical
Practices.......quite good! VIDEO CLIPS FROM CLASSROOMS.
Eastern Kansas Math Education Summit (JCCC)
Kansas City Regional Mathematics Technology EXPO (UMKC)
Discussion Board
Google Groups
15 Free Web-based tools
Although DELICIOUS is great for saving- this is also a place you can refer people to to show them collections of articles or resources you may have accumulated on a topic.
(Delicious stacks can be made public or private)
Although blogs may not be the best way to share information when you're just starting out, studies have shown that blogs are a great way to remember and learn things while you're teaching.
If you have a teacher blog, post it here and hopefully we can get more people blogging and following!
GK12 Blog
Ann Gorsuch :)
Biology Club
Subtraction Club
Who are we? A group of math nerds in the UkanTeach Program (and a few cool science people who like math too)
What do we do? We share new technologies, new ideas, current trends, and innovative practices in an informal setting with FOOD.
Can't come to meetings? Join the group anyway to share information and learn from others.
Click on the link to join!
Every get a great idea when you're away from the computer?
These technologies will help you remember your ideas and keep them organized in one place.
Works for computers, phones, and tablets (apple and android devices)
Compiles a list of things you want to read later.
Organizes articles using tags
MEDIUM: any device (computer, phone, tablet)
It is compatible with almost everything except maybe google reader.
Delicious helps you find cool stuff and collect it for easy sharing. Dig into stacks created by the community, and then build your own!
Magazine that feeds articles from your twitter, facebook, google reader, and other categories such as articles on technology or news
MEDIUM: iPad and iPhone
Similar to flipboard on ipad- it's a "Smart Magazine"
Medium: ipad, iphone, android phone
personalized- allows you to like or dislike things and finds more things you like
This can be a good way to find information-
The Pew Institute (for data and statistics)
Education Politics
Dan Meyer
Maria Andersen
Brad suggested this, it seems to be similar to Flipbook/ Zite, but in RealTime
allows you to subscribe to blogs and websites and creates a list of the titles of the articles so you can easily skim through and see what you would like to read
easy to look through the titles and pick and choose what to read