Luokat: Kaikki - china - communism - conflict

jonka Sean Iau Yang 12 vuotta sitten



The Korean War represented a significant turning point in global politics, influencing the dynamics of the Cold War and reshaping international relations. The United States' involvement in the war was a contentious issue, with arguments existing both for and against its justification.


Was USA justified in getting involved in the Korean War?


pew pew

cum in


where r u

why u so slow

sup hank

can u see my comments


Was USA justified in getting involved in the Korean War



can u edit


Was Not Justified


ah ok i see it

your colour is fgree

When US joined the war, it shifted Cold War tensions from Europe to Asia.
The US willingness to contain communism meant huge defence budgets.

US thus started building up its armaments. The USSR saw this and also began to build up its armaments

An arms race began further intensifying the already deteriorating relations between US and USSR

By getting involved in the war, US had to battle China for their first time.
The war proved that the Chinese military could match a power like the US.

Hence the war revealed that China was no longer weak and was prepared to stand up against the West, leading to further strains in relations between US and China

It brought the Cold War to Asia, as the USSR, USA and China were embroiled in the Korean War, it turned the Cold War which was mainly a European conflict to a full scale Global War.
In Korea, around 2.5 million Koreans died, which mostly consisted of civilians. Factories and transport networks were destroyed. Even after the end of the Korean War, Korea was still divided at the 38th parallel.
Due to the UN responding to the war, where majority of the military support came from the USA. The Korean war was at a stalemate, where either sides could not make any progress or advancements towards each other. In the end the fighting ceased from both sides, thus ending the Korean war.

Was Justified

The involvement of the US prevented the fall of South Korea.
When North Korea crossed the 38th Parallel, the entire South Korea was at risk. Us wanted to protect the people of South Korea, but this led to China sending an even larger army.

The capital of Seoul was taken over, but, if not for the US troops and weaponry, South Korea too, would have fallen, and the people would have been forced to live under communist rule.

US joining the Korean War made it the fulcrum in both World War One and World War Two.
Provided forces needed for its European allies to overcome its enemies.
The Korean War strengthened the US relationship with Britain.
Britain sent troops for the UN peacekeeping force to aid South Korea during the Korean War together with USA and other countries.
Entering the Korean War gave USA the opportunity to increase its military expenditure.
Military expenditure increased rapidly, laying the foundations for the so-called industrial complex that existed throughout the Cold War.
USA got involved in the Korean War in order to contain communism, it felt that if one country fell to communism, in this case South Korea, then others would also follow. Hence it responded to North Korea's attack to South Korea.
After the war, the USA felt that the end of the war was successful as it dettered communisum from spreading to South Korea, and to other countries in Asia.

The USA formed alliances with Australia and New Zealand in 1951, which was called ANZUS. In 1954, the USA also formed an alliance with countries in Southeast Asia, the alliance was called SEATO. The USA formed a network of military alliances around the war, including NATO in Europe, all which to combat against communism and prevent it from spreading throughout the world.

Set a Cold War pattern for the US

Support of anti-communists who were blantly dictators themselves