jonka AB - 10LD 729606 Sandalwood Heights SS 1 vuosi sitten
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Farming crops takes less than 20% of Agriculture land but produces over 80% of the worlds calories and about 67% of the world's protein
Accounts for 8-11% of pollution
Pesticides and Fertilizers
Pesticides can be toxic to a host of other organisms including birds, fish, beneficial insects, and non-target plants
Contaminate soil, water, turf, and other vegetation
Toxic Farm chemicals
Poison fresh water, marine ecosystems, air and soil
Nitrogen, nitrates, nitrites, phosphorous, phosphates
Plant-based agriculture grows 512% more pounds of food than animal-based agriculture on 69% of the mass of land that animal-based agriculture uses
Vegetarian diet could solve climate change
More efficient than livestock farming but still has some negative effects
Takes up 80% of land but only produces 20% of calories and only 37% of protein
Livestock pollutes water in Agriculture harming all species and limiting fresh waters sources
Significant role in deforestation
Cattles digest food and release it in the form of methane gas when they burp or fart
Changing the cattle's diet can reduce the level of methane they produce
One cow produces the same amount of emissions as 1000 liters of petrol each year
Methane's effect on our climate is more than 23X that of CO2
Methane traps in the heat of the sun and makes the whole plant warmer
Natural disasters
300 times more potent and negative effect on our environment that carbon dioxide
Produced in the urine of cattle and also produced in cow dung
Reduces ability of the soil to store water and nutrients and kills off newly planted crops
Reduces food and water supply
Provides world supplies
Paper products
Absorbed through photosynthesis
Trees and forest being cleared by being burnt or broke down released the carbon back into the atmosphere contributing to climate change
Many animals and species are neglected from their habitat and left to find a new place where they can safely stay
All these problems result to global warming as they release greenhouses gasses
Gas facillities
Oil mining
generating pollution, fueling climate change, disrupting wildlife and damaging public lands
Responsible for 80% of global deforestation
Rearing animals mainly for food
Growing crops
The Burning of Fossil Fuels traps carbon dioxide in our atmosphere raising the temperature
Higher temperatures lead to chain reaction in our environment
Melting Arctic sea ice
Loss of Habitat for animals in the arctic
Polar bears
Spoken word
Why is it so hot today but tomorrow it’s so cold? It should be fine, lately, the weather seems to have a mind of its own NO! It’s not fine We say the word but don’t know the meaning it brines Marinates in our minds The truth resides in the Climate in that we set our life In the Climate where polar bears are diminishing like high tides 50% of all Polar bears will be lost by 2030 All because humans failed to act We failed to realize It’s okay tho, The consequences will never be big enough to cause a real change We think we’re so smart We think this world just needs a kind heart But in fact it’s quite the opposite Humans will never learn unless they are punished Don’t worry our time is coming too When the entire arctic melts Where do you expect them to go Where do you expect them to hunt Where do you expect them to leave their restless grunts There will be no more playing with glue or having gum to chew There will be polar bears roaming the streets As humans will just become quick eats 2100, 2100 is the year that is projected to be polar bears' last cheer Could you imagine the havoc that would reek if humans were that near I'm so sorry to disappoint No more playing now, Let’s get straight to the point Oh my bad, were you guys waiting Cause I was too Waiting for you to take action Waiting for you to give a reaction Climate change is not a joke It will tear us until we’re broke No matter how much we speak It doesn't seem to come out as anything except a small little squeak 36.44 billion metric tons of fossil fuels just in a year Be careful and keep safe to someone you hold dear Because The end is near No point in crying No point in relaying Relying on world leaders who don’t even believe that it’s a real thing While polar bears are living on toxic land does it not sting Does it not sting!! DOES IT NOT STING!!! We set foot just to abolish these poor little creatures We wipe out everything just to pocket a little change The hope is very little but we can’t disengage Be it Carbon tax or Solar/wind energy We thought it out so cleverly Support by protesting, donating or any form of awareness Life is not long enough to be crying about fairness Year after year, One step at a time Stay strong, No fear Sorry, the end is near
Arctic Fox
Raises water levels
Destructive Erosion
More water will push up against the surfaces with more force
Strong backwaves will pull material away from the shoreline and into the sea resulting in erosion
waves can extend further up and along beaches and cliffs
Causes Nastural diasasters
Causes wet areas to get wetter
Flodding areas and cities
Causes dry areas to get drier
water evaportion
Dries out soil and vegitation
Bigger and longer droguhts
Fossil fuels produce hazardous air pollutants, including sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, particulate matter, carbon monoxide, and mercury, all of which are harmful to the environment and human health
1 in 10 people die from air polluted diseases
91% of Humans are breathing in polluted air everyday
Release Nitrogen Oxcides
Acid rain
Precipitation with acidic components
Smoke from Burning coal
Air pollution that reduces visibility
Oil spills
These spills cause the water to become contaminated and effect our fresh water that is available to us to drink
The water gets contaminated
Loss of Biodiversity
Harms animals
Big oil spills account for 5-12% of total oil pollution to enter oceans
Oil is released into water when there is in accident in large cooperate industries
Mining of coal
Toxic Materials enter water bodies
Acidic water
Heavy Metals contained in a rock
All of these different types of Metals enter the water polluting ecosystems and becomes toxic which can have major effects on humans or species who consume the toxic waste
Mine waste