jonka Jack Hunt 3 vuotta sitten
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To do things that are fun and meaningful with your kids, companion, family, and friends. To enjoy all things TCU football and sports contests. To be able to travel on a limited basis when desired. To dabble in some science research like quantum physics/time related, and artificial intelligence.
Travel to Europe with a companion for a once-in-a-lifetime trip
Be a great son, good brother, and a good friend.
To make enough money & have enough money in checking/savings and assets to live on (with no debt), pay expenses, make investments, to be able retire if needed, support your personal mission including potentially assisting your kids, companion, family, friends, and others.
To be in the best physical and mental shape as is humanly possible to meet your demanding goals, enjoying an extremely high quality of life for an advanced age. To dress and groom well.
To become incredibly physically fit, lean, muscular, flexible, agile, and athletically proficient for my age
To be recognized around the area, state, and country for your physical fitness achievements later in life in ways that were not thought possible
Reach 100 years old in incredible health and fit
Have a nice home (with minimal personal upkeep) to live in, and car to drive that are well-kept and maintained.
Find someone to spend the rest of your life with, who you love and cherish, who feels the same towards you, who compliments your life, children, goals, and understands your feelings for Piper.
Be a great father to Roman and Julianna. Do what you can to assist them in achieving rewarding careers, good relationships and friendships, great health, nice living situations, financial stability, well-rounded meaningful lives, and becoming people of high character. Spend quality time with them, be involved in their lives.
To achieve great things in basketball, chess, and filmmaking to inspire the world on what can be accomplished later in life by doing what you love while also being a great father, companion, son, brother, friend, and a man. To use the fruits of success to help others, make the world a better place, and to validate your personal theory of the meaning of life.
To play (and coach) TGS at the highest levels (non-NBA) while also improving dramatically over time, especially for your age in leagues and tournaments.
Play (and coach) competitive basketball with TGS until at least the age of 75 years old
Create a following that comes watches TGS and you play on a regular basis
Lead TGS to be the best team (non-NBA) in Texas and one of the best in the country by winning prestigious leagues and tournaments
To play a major role on the court in in one of TGS’s biggest victories ever that is widely recognized
To be recognized around the area, state, and country for your basketball playing abilities and achievements later in life in ways that were not thought possible before
To play competitive high-level chess while also improving dramatically over time, especially for your age on the web, at the chess club, and prestigious chess tournaments.
Magnus Carlsen: 60 Memorable Games
Capablanca move by move
Korchnoi move by move
Botvinnik move by move
Kramnik move by move
My Best Games
The Life and Games of Mikhail Tal
Three Hundred Chess Games
Paul Keres: The Road to the Top
Bobby Fischer my 60 memorable games
Kasparov's Fighting Chess 1993-1998
My Best Games of Chess 1908-1937
Encyclopedia of Chess Combinations
j. Double Attack
i. Interference
h. Decoy
g. Demolition of Pawn Structure
f. Pinning
e. Discovered Attack
d. Deflection
c. Clearance
b. Blockade
a. Annihilation of Defense
Chess Endgames Karsten Mueller
14 The Golden Guidelines of Endgame Play
13 Double Rook Endings
12 Rook Against Knight
11 Rook Against Bishop
10 Rook and Two Minor Pieces
9 Rook and Minor Piece
8 Practical Rook Endings
7 Endgame Principles Weaknesses & Fortresses
6 Endgame Principles Domination & Prophylaxis
5 Endgame Principles Activity & Initiative
4 Strategical Endgames
3 Major Piece Endgames
2 Rook Endgames
1 Basic Knowledge for Beginners
Pandolfini's Endgame Course
III Pieces and Pawns in Action
15 Minor Pieces
14 Heavy Pieces: Rooks
13 Heavy Pieces
12 Minor Piece plus Pawn
11 Minor Pieces vs. Pawn
10 Heavy Pieces vs. Pawn
II The Pawns in Action
9. Miscellaneous King and Pawn Positions
8 King and Two Pawns vs. King and Pawn
7 King and Pawn vs. King and Pawn
6 King and Two Pawns vs. King
5 King and Pawn vs. King
I Pieces in Action
4 Rooks and Minor Pieces
3 Heavy Pieces in Combat
2 Elementary Checkmates: Minor Pieces
1 Elementary Checkmates: Heavy Pieces
100 Endgames You Must Know
14. Final Test
13. Other material relations
12. Pawn endings
11. Rook + two Pawns vs. Rook
10. Rook + Pawn vs. Rook
9. Opposite coloured bishops: Bishop + 2 pawns vs. Bishop
8. Bishop vs. Knight: one pawn on the board
7. Same-coloured bishops: Bishop + Pawn vs. Bishop
6. Rook vs. 2 Pawns
5. Rook vs. Pawn
4. Queen vs. Pawn
3. Knight vs.Pawn
2. Basic Test
1. Basic endings
Secrets of Pawn Endings
16 Exercises
15 Simplifications
14 Complicated Cases
13 Thinking Methods to Find the Right Moves
12 Corresponding Squares
11 Fight for Temp and Manoeuvres
10 Pawns on Both Wings
9 Breakthrough
8 Passed Pawns
7 Pawn on One Wing
6 Fortresses, Stalemates and Underpromotion
5 Unique Features of the Rook's Pawn
4 Small Number of Pawns
3 Race of the Passed Pawns
2 King and Pawn vs King and Pawn
1 King and Pawns(s) vs King
Silman's Complete Endgame Course
Part Nine / Endgames for Pure Pleasure
The Five Greatest Endgame Players of All Time
Entombed and Dominated Minor Pieces
Part Eight / Endgames for Masters (2000-2399)
Queen and Pawn Endgames (Passed Pawns Rule!)
The King is a Fighting Piece!
The Pleasures of a Knight
All King and Pawn Endgames are Confusing!
The Principle of Two Weaknesses
Cat and Mouse
Part Seven / Endgames for Experts (2000-2199)
Queen Endgames
Bishop Endgames (Bishop and Pawns[s] vs. Lone Bishop of the Same Color)
Part Six / Endgames for Class"A" (1800-1999)
Queen Endgames (A Trick Win in Queen vs Rook-Pawn and Queen vs. Bishop-Pawn on the 7th)
Part Five / Endgames for Class"B" (1600-1799)
Rook Endings
Part Four / Endgames for Class"C" (1400-1599)
Queen vs. King and Pawn
Rook Endgames
Minor Piece Endgames
Part Three / Endgames for Class"D" (1200-1399)
Rook vs. Lone Pawn
Minor Piece vs. Lone Pawn
King and Pawn Endgames
Beyond Basic Opposition
Part Two / Endgames for Class"E" (1000-1199)
Understanding the King
Minor Piece vs. Queen
What Can (or Cannont) Mate vs. Lone King
Part One / Engames for Beginners (Unrated-999)
Final Thoughts
Tests and Solutions
Summing Up
Stalemate Alert!
Overkill Mates
Comprehensive Chess Endings
Volume 5: Rook Endings
Part II Rook Against Rook (with Pawns)
12. Endings with Several Pawns (Positional Advantage)
11. Endings With Several Pawns (Material Advantage)
10. Rook and Two Pawns Against Rook and Two Pawn
9. Rook and Two Pawns Against Rook and Pawn
8. Rook and Pawn Against Rook and Pawn
7. Rook and Two Pawns Against Rook
6. Rook and Rook's Pawn Against Rook
5. Rook and Pawn Against Rook (Except Rook's Pawn)
Part I Rook Against Pawns
4. Room and Pawns Against Pawns
3. Rook Against Three or More Pawns
2. Rook Against Two Pawns
1. Rook Against Pawn
Volume 4: Pawn Endings
10. The Theory of Corresponding Square Systems
9. Endings with Several Pawns (positional advantage)
8. Endings with Several Pawns (material advantage)
7. Three Pawns against Two or Three Pawns
6. Two Pawns Against Two
5. Two Pawns Against One
4. Pawn against Pawn
3. King and Two Pawns against King
2. King and Pawn against King
1. Basic Theory and Terminology
Volume 3: Queen and Pawnn Endings, Queen Against Rook Endings, Queen Against Minor Piece Endings
Part III Queen Against Minor Piece Endings
4. Queen Against Minor Piece
Part II Queen Against Rook Endings
3. Queen Against Rook
Part I Queen and Pawn Endings
2, Queen Against Queen
1. Queen Against Pawns
Volume 2: Bishop Against Knight Endings, Rook Against Minor Piece Endings
Part II Rook Against Minor Piece Endings
3. Rook Against Knight Endings
2. Rook Against Bishop Endings
Part I Bishop Against Knight Endings
1. Bishop Against Knight Endings
Volume 1: Bishop Endings, Knight Endings
Part II Knight Endings
5. Knight Against Knight (With Pawns)
4. Knight Against Pawns
Part I Bishop Endings
3. Bishops of Opposite Color
2. Bishops of the Same Color
1. Bishop Against Pawns
Dvoretsky's Endgame Manual 3rd Edition
Chapter 16 Solutions
Chapter 15 General Endgame Ideas
Chapter 14 Other Material Relations
Chapter 13 Queen versus Rook
Chapter 12 Queen Endgames
Chapter 11 Rook versus Bishop
Cahpter 10 Rook versus Knight
Chapter 9 Rook Endgames
Chapter 8 Rook versus Pawns
Chapter 7 Bishop versus Knight
Chapter 6 Bishops of the Same Color
Chapter 5 Opposite-colored Bishops
Chapter 4 Bishop versus Pawns
Chapter 3 Knight Endgames
Chapter 2 Knights versus Pawns
Chapter 1 Pawn Endgames
Chess Vibes - YouTube
Bishop and Knight vs. Long King
How To Beat Your Dad at Chess
50) The Fischer Trap
49) Knight Sacrifices on f7 & e6
48) The Bishop Sacrifce on f7
47) Legall's Mate
44) Two Rooks on the Seventh
43) Rook Deflections
42) More Back-Rank Mates
41) The Refined Back-Rank Mate
40) Back-Rank Mates
39) Lolli's Mates
38) Blackburne's Other Mate
37) Weak Dark Squares
36) Mate on the Long Diagonal
35) The Greek Gift (4)
34) The Greek Gift (3)
33) The Greek Gift (2)
32) The Greek Gift (1)
31) Removing the f6 Defender
30) The Queen & Bishop Line-up
29) The Bxh6 Sacrifice
27) More Qg6 Bombshells
26) Greco's Mate
25) The Queen & Bishop Mate
24) Rook Decoy on h7
23) A Knight on f5 (2)
22) A Knight on f5 (1)
21) The Rook Sacrifice on g7
20) The Crafty Bg8
19) Pillsbury's Mate
18) Morphy's Mate
17) The Double Bishop Sacrifice
16) The Double Rook Sacrifice
15) Other Queenside Mates
14) Boden's Mate
13) Blackburne's Mate
12) The Rh8+ & Nxf7+ Trick
11) The Petrosian Draw
10) The See-Saw
9) Taimanov's Knight Check
8) Damiano's Mate
7) Double Rook Sacrifice on h8
6) Single Rook Sacrifice on h8
5) Semi-Smothered Mate
4) Philidor's Legacy
3) The Arabian Mate
2) The Missing Defensive f-pawn
1) Anastasia's Mate
Grandmaster Preparation Endgame Play
12 Strategic Endings
11 Fortresses
10 Tactical Endings
9 Rook and Bishop Endings
8 Complex Rook Endings
7 Complex Minor Piece Endings
6 Endings with Queens
5 Challenging Rook Endings
4 Opposite-Coloured Bishops
3 Simple Rook Endings
2 Simple Minor Piece Endings
1 Pawn Endings
Grandmaster Preparation Calculation
10 Difficult Positions
9 Tests
8 Traps
7 Imagination
6 Intermediate Moves
5 Elimination
4 Comparison
2 Combinational Visioni
1 Candidate Moves
Grandmaster Preparation Attack & Defence
12 Multiple Exercises from the Same Game
12 Active Defense
11 Prophylaxis
10 Comparison
9 Only Move
8 Kill Zone
7 Evolution/Revolution
6 Attack the Strongest Square
5 Attack the Weakest Square
4 Quantity beats Quality
3 Colour
2 Momentum
1 Include all the Pieces in the Attack
Grandmaster Preparation Positional Play
5 Solutions
4 Excercises
1 Weaknesses
Grandmaster Preparation Strategic Play
5 Fighting the Tide
4 Dynamics
3 Prophylaxis
2 Pieces
1 Squares
Attacking Manual 2
Chapter 6 - Excercises
Chapter 5 - Intuitive Sacrifices and Enduring Initiative
Chapter 4 - King Safety
Chapter 3 - Typical Pawn Play
Chapter 2 - Typical Piece Play
Chapter 1 - Understanding Mating Attacks
Attacking Manual 1
Possible Solutions
Chapter 9 - Watch Yourself take the Next Step
Chapter 8 - 15 Great Attacking Games
Chapter 7 - Evolution/Revolution
Chapter 6 - Chewing on Granite
Chapter 5 - Hit 'em where it hurts
Chapter 4 - Size Matters!
Chapter 3 - Add some Colour to your Play
Chapter 2 - Don't lose your Breath
Chapter 1 - Brining all your Toys to the Nursery Party
Techniques of Positional Play - 45 Practical Methods to Gain the Upper Hand in Chess
Chapter XI Practical exercises
Chapeter X Other methods
Chapter IX Along the diagongals
Chapter VIII Developing and activating pieces
Chapter VII Working with the king
Chapter VI Some aspects of piece exchanges
Chapter V Techniques in the fight for an open file
Chapter IV The rook pawn - an underrated fighter
Chapter III The clash between pawn formations
Chapter II Create breathing space for your pieces!
Chapter I Restricting the enemy pieces
Chess Structures a Grandmaster Guide
The Lopez Formation
The Closed Ruy Lopez
The Benko Structure
The Scheveningen Structure
The Dragon Formation
The Panov Structure
The 3-3 vs 4-2 Structure
22 Various Structures
Family Five - French
21 French Type III
20 French Type II
19 French Type I
Finaly Four - King's Indian
18 KID Complex
17 Open KID
15 KID Type II
14 KID Type I
Family Three - Benoni
13 Symmetric Benoni
12 Asymmetric Benoni
Family Two - Open Sicilian
11 The Maroczy
10 The Hedgehog
9 Najdorf Type II
8 Najdorf Type I
Family One - d4 and ...d5
7 Grunfeld Centre
6 Stonewall
5 The Carlsbad Formation
4 Slav Formation
3 Caro-Kahn Formation
2 Hanging Pawns
1 The Isolani
The Power of Pawns: Chess Structure Fundamentals for Post-Beginners
Part II - Basic pawn structures
Techniques of Positional Play
Chapter 10 Pawn chains
Chapter 9 Weak squares
Chapter 8 Doubled Pawns
Chapter 7 Passed Pawns
Chapter 6 Backward Pawns
Chapter 5 Isolated Pawns
Chapter 4 Hanging Pawns
Part 1 - Pieces and pawns
Chapter 3 The rook
Chapter 2 The knight
Chapter 1 The bishop
Pawn Structure Chess
Chapter Twelve: The Closed Sicilian/English
Chapter Eleven: The Lopez Formation
Chapter Ten: The Nimzo-Gruenfeld Formation
Chapter Nne: Stonewalls And Other Prisons
Chapter Eight: The Panov Formation
Chapter Seven: The Queen's Gambit Family
Chapter Six: The King's Indian Complex
Chapter Five: The e5 Chain
Chapter Four: Chain Reactions
Chapter Three: The Open Sicilian/English
Chapter Two: The Slav Formation
Chapter One: The Caro-Slav Family
Yusupov Build, Build, Evolution Series
Chess Evolution Mastery 3
24 Queen endings
23 Complex positions 2
22 Pirc and Modern Defences
21 Having a plan
20 Outpost for knights
19 Exchanging queens - the transition to the ending
18 Transition from the opening to the ending
17 Pawns chains
16 Castling on opposite sides
15 Playing for traps
14 Principles of rook endings
13 Playing against pieces
12 Shutting out a piece
11 The bighop pair
10 The transition to the middlegame
9 Complex positions
8 Fortresses
7 Complicated Combinations
6 The minority attack
5 Open games
4 Rook against two minor pieces
3 The comparison method
2 Static advantages
1 Desperadoes
Boost Your Chess Mastery 3
24 Knight against bishop
23 The elimination method
22 The Grunfeld Defence
21 The initiative
20 Pawn storms
19 Central pawn majority
18 Queenside pawn majority
17 The King's Indian Defence
16 Combinational vision
15 Candidate moves
14 Defence
13 Bishop against knight
12 Prophylactic thinking
11 The passed pawn in the middlegame
10 The Reti Opening
9 The technique of calculating variations
8 Rook against pawn
7 Counter-attack
6 Hanging pawns on c3-d4
5 The English Opening
4 Knight endings
3 Counterplay
2 Realizing an advantage
1 Attacking the king in the centre
Build Up Your Chess Mastery 3
24 Rook against knight
23 The comparison method
22 Opening repertoire for Black against 1.d4
21 Doubled pawns
20 Simple tactics 2
19 Playing against hanging pawns
18 Haning pawns
17 The elimination method
16 Opening repertoire for White with 1.dr (Part 2)
15 Opposite-coloured bishops
14 Drawing combinations
13 Blockade
12 Training with studies
11 French Defence
10 Bishop endings
9 The backward pawn
8 Simple tactics
7 Playing against the isolated pawn
6 The isolated pawn
5 Opening repertoire for White with 1.d4
4 Rook against bishop
3 Pawn endings
2 Evaluation of the position
1 Combinations involving promotion
Chess Evolution Beyond the Basics 2
24 The correct exchanges
23 The centre in the opening
22 Counter-blows
21 An advantage in space
20 The principle of two weaknesses
19 Intermediate moves
18 Pawn sacrifices in the opening
17 Improving the position of your pices
16 Intermediate checks
15 Active moves
14 Pawn play
13 The double bishop sacrifice
12 Don't be too hasty!
11 Opening repertoire (Black vs. the Reti/White vs. the King's Indian)
10 The pawn phalanx
9 Better pawn structures
7. Exploiting weaknesses
6. A lead in development
5. Don't allow counterplay?
4 Opening repertoire against 1.c4
3 Attacking the king
2 Exchanging
1 Combined attack on the seventh and eight ranks
Boost Your Chess Beyond the Basics 2
24 Typical mistakes in the endgame
23 Reti/English Opening
22 Dragging the king out
21 Blockade
20 Endgame technique
19 Line clearing
18 Closed openings
17 Good and bad bishops
16 Removing the defence
15 Typical mistakes in calculating variations
14 The bishop pair
13 Blocking combinations
12 Simple rook endings 2
11 Opening repertoire for Black against 1.d4
10 Line blocking
9 Weak points
8 Calculating short variations
7 Trapping pieces
6 Fighting against the pawn centre
5 Simple rook endings
4 Opening repertoire for White - the French Defence
3 'Minor' tactics
2. The open file
1. Attacking the king
Build Up Your Chess Beyond the Basics 2
24 Pawn endings 2
23 Improving the position of your pieces
22 Time in the opening
21 Decoying
20 Pawn endings 1
19 Priorities when calculating variations
18 Exchanging
17 An opening repertoire against 1.e4
16. Destroying the castled position
15 An opening repertoire for White after 1.e4 e5
14 Planning in chess
13 Evaluating the posiition
12 The Greek gift sacrifice
11 Deflection
10 Zugzwang
9 The pin and the discovered attack
8 The centre
7 Candidate moves
6 Good and bad bishops
5 The double attack
4 General opening principles
3 Combinations involving the back rank
2 General endgame principles
1 Mating combinations
Chess Evolution The Fundamentals 1
24 Queen against rook
23 Combinations involving files
22 The passed pawn
21 Mating nets in the endgame
20 Mate in three moves
18 Semi-open games
17 Attacking with rook and knight
16 Knight against pawn
15 Attacking with rook and bishop
14 Attacking
13 Attacking with queen and pawn
12 Bishop against pawns
11 Positional advantages
10 Attacking with queen and bishop
9 Forced Variations
8 Attacking with queen and rook
7 The open games
6 Attacking with queen and knight
5 Realizing a material advantage
4 Realizing a material advantage in a pawn ending
3 Queen sacrifices
2 Diagonals
1 Combinations involving bishops
Boost Your Chess The Fundamentals 1
24 Zugzwang
23 Combinations with knights 2
22 Coordination of the pieces
21 Combinations with the major pieces
20 Mate in two moves
19 Perpetual check
18 The principles behind mobilization
17 Combinations with knights
16 Elementary endgames
15 Combinations involving diagonals
14 Outposts
13 Combinations involving files
12 Mate with bishop and knight
11 The semi-open file
10 Stalemate combinations
9 The use of traps
8 Opening traps
7 The pawn wedge
6 Fortresses
5 The 7th rank
4 Exploiting weaknesses
3 Back rank combinations
2 Pawn weaknesses
1 The windmill
Build Up Your Chess The Fundamentals 1
Final test
2 Mating motifs 2
24 Gambits
23 Smothered mate
22 The wrong bishop
21 Pawn combinations
20 Weak points
19 Combinations involving promotion
18 Forced variations
17 Stalemate motifs
16 Queen against pawn
15 Combinations
14 Open files and Outposts
13 Realizing a material advantage
12 The double attack
11 The pin
10 The opposition
9 Mate in two moves
8 Centralizing the pieces
7 The discovered attack
6 The value of the pieces
5 Double check
4 Simple pawn endings
3 Basic opening principles
1 Mating motifs
Mastering the French
10 Miscellaneous Structures
9 IQP Centre
8 Exchange Centre
7 Rubinstein Centre
6 Poisoned Pawn Centre
5 Winawer Centre
4 Classical Centre
3 f4 Central Clamp
2 e6 weakness vs d4 weakness
1 Advance Centre
First Steps: the French
7 Other Lines
6 The Exchange Variation
5 The Advance Variation
4 The Tarrasch Variation
3 The Classical Variation
2 The Winawer: Fourth Move Alternatives
1 The Main Line Winawer
Starting out: the french
3 Nd2: Tarrasch Variation
3 Nc3 Nf6: Classical Variation
3 Nc3 Bb4: Winawer Variation
1 e4 e6 2 d4 d5
Play the French 4th edition
17 Uncommon Early Moves
16 King's Indian Attack
15 MacCutcheon: Main Lines with 6 Bd2
14 MacCutcheon: Introduction
13 Classical Variation with 4 e5
12 Exchange Variation
11 Winawer Variation: Portisch-Hook Variation
10 Winawer Variation: Positional Main Lines
9 Winawer Variation: Poisoned Pawn Variation
8 Winawer Variation: Fifth Moves
7 Winawer Variation: Fourth Moves
6 Tarrasch Variation with 5 f4
5 Tarrasch Variation: Main Lines with 5 Bd3
4 Tarrasch Variation: Introduction to 3...Nf6 with 5 Bd3
3 Advance Variation with 5...Nh6
2 Advance Variation 6 a3
1 Advance Variation: Introduction and Traditional Lines
Direct and play competitive chess until at least the age of 90 years old
Win major chess tournaments around the area, state, and country
Win the Texas State Championship
Become a Grandmaster
To be recognized around the area, state, country, and world for your chess playing abilities and achievements later in life in ways that were not thought possible before
To create and direct high-quality films for theatres, festivals, streaming, and the web using your screenplays, music (for soundtracks), humor, creativity, understanding of human nature and the world, philosophy, artistic design, poetry, writing, film background, and historical knowledge. These films should entertain, inspire, and enlighten the world.
Filming Techniques
Direct and make films until at least the age of 100 years old
Become an accomplished musician (guitar, keyboard) and composer for creating soundtracks for your films
Create and direct films that are released at major festivals and theatrical releases
Win Oscar for Best Director
To be recognized around the area, state, country, and world for filmmaking achievement later in life in ways that were not thought possible before
Be recognized as “The Renaissance Man”, someone who has achieved an incredible amount of success in basketball, chess, and filmmaking later in life, inspired the world, and made it a better place
To live a life that demonstrates high character, follows life principles, and emphasizes love to your children, companion, family, friends, and others.
Our existence and long-term fate are a complete mystery. My personal theory: Do what you love, with who you love, and in return help others. If you do this, while following life principles, then God and/or the universe may open unimaginable doors for you. Also, life may also exist to teach us something, evolve to a higher level, or test our courage or resolve. Love is the one thing that seems to override everything else and gives life true depth and meaning.