jonka Rozaimi Razali 1 vuosi sitten
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What are the rules regarding Allah's Names?
Similarity of names does not mean the similarity of the named
Allah The Provider (الرَّزَّاقُ)
Just because someone's name is Abd Razak does not mean it has the same meaning to AR-RAZZAAQ
The meanings of Allah’s Names are well known but no one knows their manner of action except Allâh
Allah the All Seeing (الْبَصِيرُ)
we believe that Allah can see whatever we do, in public and in private, BUT we do not know how of this Seeing occurs
Forbidden to confirm a Name to Allah by likening
Allah the All Mighty (الْعَزِيزُ)
it is forbidden to say there is something/someone having the same might as Allah
Allah the All Hearing (السَّمِيعُ)
it is forbidden to say something/someone has the ability of hearing similar like Allah
Names of Allah are all Tawqifiyah
we do not know how many Names and Attributes Allah have except those that He made known to us
also, there is no limit to Allah's Name
(الْغَفَّارُ) e.g. Allah the Great Forgiver
humans can forgive one another up to a certain limit BUT Allah's forgiveness knows no limits.
the Names of Allah and Descriptions comes straight from the Noble Quran and the authentic hadith
Tawqeef here refers to something that is fix, that we cannot change the meaning according to our will/desire
All the Names are the best of Names
“وَلِلَّهِ الأسْمَاءُ الْحُسْنَى فَادْعُوهُ بِهَا”
“The most beautiful Names belong to Allah: so call on Him by them” - Al-A’raf ayah 180
Allah has the best Names and the Description are Perfect
What is it?
belief that Allah has the Most Beautiful Names and the Most Perfect Attributes
without asking how
we should not have any doubt in the Names and Attributes of Allah such as asking how
e.g. “He is the First (nothing is before Him) and the Last (nothing is after Him), the Most High (nothing is above Him) and the Most Near (nothing is nearer than Him).” [57:3]
we should not question how it is possible for Allah to be so High yet so Near to us. This is because human minds is unable to comprehend the Might and Majesty of Allah's Names and Attributes
without denying the knowledge of the meaning
it means to accept the words but are ignorant of their meaning
e.g. (الرَّحِيمُ) Allah the Merciful
we accept that AR-RAHEEM is one of Allah's Names but we keep complaining when will Allah grant our wishes
meaning : AR-RAHEEM
without likening
we should believe that Allah's Attributes is not at all similar to His creations.
e.g. the way Allah hears is different from how a human or animal hears
without denying
we should not deny or question the Names/Attributes of Allah
e.g. التَّوَابُ
it is wrong to believe that Allah will not forgive us for our sins
meaning "The Acceptor of Repentance"
without distortion
we should believe in the Names without distorting the meaning
e.g. changing the meaning of Istiwaa (rising) to mean Istawlaa (conquering)
Ibaadah is defined as
any action, speech or expression that Allah loves and is pleased with whether it is done openly (seen) or secretly (unseen)
3 essential matters
Excellence in worship
we are not allowed to worship other being no matter how honorable the other being is
Tawheed al-Uloohiyah means belief that Allah alone is worthy of worship
What we learned previously?
Allah is the
Giver of benefit
Causer of harm
Provider of everything
Creator of everything
Owner of everything
Allah has no partner in His Sovereignty
Tawheed ar-Ruboobiyah means belief that Allah as the Lord of all creatures