Luokat: Kaikki - personality - management - bureaucracy - motivation



La escuela de la Relaciones Humanas y sus Exponentes

The listed works provide a comprehensive exploration of organizational theory and human behavior within professional settings. Crozier's study delves into bureaucratic phenomena, while Etzioni offers a comparative analysis of complex organizations.

La escuela de la Relaciones Humanas y sus Exponentes

Herzberg F. (1954). Work of the nature of man. Cleaveland. The world of publishing Company. P.P 71-91

Barnard, C. (1968). The fonctions of the executive. Cambrige Mass. Harvard University Press

Lawrence, P. & Lorsch, J. (1967). Organization and Environment, Managing Differentation and integration. Boston, Harvard Business School

Crozier, M. (1963). Le Phenomene bureaucratique. ´Paris. Ed. du Seuil. p.p. 247-257

Likert, R (1961), New patterns of management. New York. McGrawHill Book Company, p.p. 26-43

Etzioni, A. (1961). A comparative analysis of complex organizations, New York, the Free Press. p.p. 74-86

McGregor, D. (1960). The human side of enterprise. Management Review, American Management Association

March, J. G., & Simon H. (1958). Organizations. New York. John Wiley and Sons

Argyris, C. (1957). Personality and organization; the conflict between system and the individual. New York. Harper and Brothers

Mayo, E. (1946); The Human problems of industrial civilizations. Cambridge, Mass, Harvard University

Parsons, T. (1956). Suggestions for a Sociological Approach to the Theory of Organizations-I. Administrative science Quarterly 1.P.P 63-85

La escuela de la Relaciones Humanas y sus Exponentes

Maslow, A. H. (1943). A theory of human motivation. Psychological review, 50(4), 370.