Luokat: Kaikki - trauma - vocabulary - education - protection

jonka Alysha K 7 vuotta sitten


Ma Mind Map (Room)

A mother, known as Ma, endeavors tirelessly to educate her son, Jack, through creative vocabulary games and constant engagement. Living in confined circumstances, she strives to make their environment enriching and stimulating, which results in Jack being recognized as highly intelligent by medical professionals.

Ma Mind Map (Room)

Group Members: Alysha, Jared, Madison, Ahmed, and Emily

“Scared is what you're feeling”’say Ma’”but brave is what you're doing….scaredybrave. Scave.” (Dying, Page 166, Hard Copy)

Ma is relying on Jack to finish the steps of their plan, and believes that he will be able to do it. While they are still both scared of being caught Ma helps Jack take the chance to go through will it.

"“Vast," says Ma. "Gigantic." "Massive." "Huge." "Enormous," says Ma. "Hugeormous." That's word sandwich when we squish two together”"(Presents, Page 16, iBook)

This shows how Ma tries to educate Jack the best she can, in the form of vocabulary games. Ma frequently does these types of games with Jack to ensure he learns somethings. Ma’s attempts to educate Jack are successful, as the doctors describe Jack as very advanced and smart

"Ma stops, she puffs out a long breath. "I need to hit something," she says, "but I don't want to break anything." "Why not?" "Actually, I'd love to break something. I'd love to break everything”"(Unlying, Page 95, iBook)

Shows Ma hatred for her prison, the Room, and how she wishes she could destroy the entire place and break free. However, she knows that breaking something would damage her and Jack’s chance of survival. This shows her willingness to put Jack over her own desires.


Personality and Mindset


“He’s never been out of my sight and nothing happened to him, nothing like what you’re insinuating… All these years, I kept him safe” (After, Page 163, iBook)

Ma had protected Jack for his entire life, and is proud of herself for achieving that. She knows that Jack relies on her, and that she’s the reason Jack was safe all those years. Jack became the most precious and valuable thing to her after she was kidnapped.

“You know how quiet I can be, so as long as you leave him alone. It’s all I’ve ever asked” (Unlying, Page 74, iBook)

Ma only acts a obedient around Old Nick in order to protect Jack. Ma does not want Old Nick to go anywhere near Jack, because she does not want Old Nick to do anything to him. She loves Jack, and would be devastated if something bad were to happen to him. She dedicates herself to protecting him.

“Ma’s got her head in her hands. “I thought he was OK. More or less”” (After, Page 179, iBook)

Ma was trying her hardest for Jack to develop like a regular child. She hoped that Jack would not be different than other kids, and that he would still have a great, and well developed childhood despite him living in the same room his whole life.

“Why am I hided away like the chocolates?” ‘I think she’s sitting on Bed. She talks quiet so I can hardly hear.’ “I just don’t want him looking at you. Even when you were a baby, I always wrapped you up in Blanket before he came in.” (Presents, Page 26, Hard Copy)

Here Ma explains how hard she tries to keep Jack away from Old Nick. By keeping Jack in the wardrobe while Old Nick comes it is her way of keeping him safe from the “monster”, otherwise known as Old Nick

"You look like me. I guess because you are made of me, like my spit is. Same brown eyes, same big mouth, same pointy chin.” (Presents, Page 7, Hard Copy)

This shows that Ma is invested in Jack’s learning as she describes DNA on a very basic level that Jack can understand

Ma Room by Emma Donoghue


Old Nick

Images and Symbols

The Sun

The sun and the moon are two of the only real objects Jack has ever seen from the "outside". The sun is a symbol of Ma's faith and hope to escape with her son who calls the sun "god's yellow face".

Ma's Tooth

Ma's tooth that Jack takes with him in his sock while he is escaping is a symbol of Ma. It allows Jack to feel like Ma is with him as he attempts to find help.

Relating the Conflicts and Themes


Ma has to keep herself and Jacks health constantly in mind. When she discovers Old Nick lost his job, she knows a plan to escape cannot wait any longer or her and Jack will starve as Nick will flee. Ma must take pain killers to aid her tooth, and make grocery lists to make sure her son consumes necessary nutrients. Health is the key to survival which she remains consistent with.

Desire to Escape

Ma tries Plan A with Jack and when that isn’t totally successful she builds on it with Plan B. Ma also previously tries to escape the room many times, and even though she fails repeatedly, her desire to escape still remains. This is shown by her eagerness to start the plan.

Abduction, Kidnapping, and Rape

Ma is the subject of all of these things. The reader can only imagine how she may feel as she was trapped in an 11 by 11 foot room for seven years with a rapist taking care of her, and also having to take care of her son, Jack.

Importance of Family

Ma is the only family member Jack has known his whole life and is comfortable with. She provides security and a sense of inclusion for him. Ma also misses her family that she had not seen for seven years. The thought of seeing them again keeps her motivated, and fuels her will to escape.

Features and Characteristics
