Luokat: Kaikki - operations - problem - decimals - rational

jonka Soyoun Park 11 vuotta sitten


MAT156 FALL2013

MAT156 FALL2013

MAT156 FALL2013

Chapter.5 Integers

Greatest Common Divisor and Least Common Multiple
Least Common Multiple

Ladder Method or The division by Primes Method

Prime factorization Method

Intersection of Sets Method

Number-Line Method

Greatest Common Divisor (factor)

Ladder Mehtod of Division by Primes Method

Calculator Method

Prime Factorization Method

The Intersection of Section Method

Colored Rods Method

Prime and Composite Numbers
Prime Factorization

Number of Divisor

Ladder Model

Factor Tree

Prime factorization- factorization containing only prime numbers.

Factorization- Composite numbers can be expressed as product of two or more whole numbers greater than 1.

Composite Numbers

Numbers in which there are more than two factors or positive divisors. (ex) 4, 8, 12, 16

Prime Numbers

Numbers in which there are only two factors or positive divisors. (ex) 2, 3, 5, 7

Divisibility rules
If b l a, then b is a factor, or divisor, of a, and a is multiple of b.
Multiplication and Division of Integers
Order of Integers
Order of Operations on Integers

The order of operations: parenthesis, exponents, multiply/divide left to right/ add/subtract left to right.

Integer Division

The quotient of two negative integers, is a positive integer and the quotient of a positive and negative integer, is negative.

Multiplication of Integers

Properties of Integer Multiplication

Number-Line Model

Chip Model and Charged-Field Model for Multiplication

Patterns Model for Multiplication of integers-3(-2)=-6, 2(-2)=-4, 1(-2)=-2

Add and Subtract integers
Integer Subtraction

Properties of Subtraction

Subtraction Using Adding the Opposite Approach

SubtractionUsing the Missing Addend Approach

Pattern Model for Subtraction

Number Line Model for Subtraction

Charged-Field Model for Subtraction

Chip Model for Subtraction

Uniqueness of the Additive Inverse

For every integer a, there exists a unique integer -a, the additive inverse of a.

Integer Addition

Absolute Value-The distance between the point corresponding to an integer and 0 is the absolute value of the integer.

Pattern Model- Addition of integers can also be motived by using patterns of addition of whole numbers.

Number Line Model- Always start at zero and move line to first number, then go to second number.

Charged-Field Model- Similar to chips but used the positive (+) and negative (-) charges.

Chip Model for addition-Black chips are used to represent positive integers and negative integers are red.

Chapter6. Rational Numbers

Division of Rational Numbers
Properties of Multiplication of Rational Numbers
Multiplication Property of Zero
Multiplication Property of Inequality
Multiplication Property of Equality
Distributive Property of Multiplication Over Addition
Multiplicative Inverse (reciprocal)
Multiplicative Identity
Properties of Addition for Rational Numbers
Addition Property of Equality
Additive Inverse Property
Mix Numbers
Estimation with Rational Numbers
Subtraction of Rantional Numbers
Addition of Rational Numbers

Addition of Rational Numbers with unlike Denominators

Addition of Rational Numbers with like Denominators

Number-line Model

Area Model

The sets of Rational Numbers
Denseness of Rational Numbers
Ordering Rational Numbers
Equality of Fractions
Simplifying Fractions
Equivalent or Equal Fractions
Uses of Rational Numbers
Ratio such as the ratio of girls to boys in the class was ten to twelve
Partition, or part, of a whole such as Joe ate 1/2 of the pizza for lunch.
Division problem or solution to a multiplication problem

Chapter7. Decimals

Ordering Repeating Decimals
Repeating Decimals
Operations on Decimals
Algorithm for mulptiplying decimals

Rouding- off Errors

Estimating Decimal Computations

Rounding Decimals

Mental Computations

Dividing Decimals

Scientific Notation

Algorithm for addition and subtraction of terminating decimals
Ordering Terminating Decimals
Terminating Decimals

Chapter 4. Functions

Every function is a relation, but not every relatioin is a function.
Ways to represent functions
Sequences as Functions
Functions as Graphs
Functions as Tables and Ordered Pairs
Functions as Arrow Diagrams
Functions as Equations
Functions as Machines
Functions as Rules

Chapter3. Whole Numbers and Their Operations

Algorithms for Whole-Number Multiplication and Division
Division Algorithms
Multiplication Algorithms

Lattice multiplication

Multiplication with two-digit factors

Single digit number times two digit number

Multiplication and Division of Whole Numbers
Order of Operation

Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplication or Division, Addition or Subtraction

Division by 0 or 1

0 divided by 0 is undefined also

0 divided by n=0

n divided by 0 is undefined

Relating Multiplication and Division as Inverse Operation
The Division Algorithm
Division of Whole Numbers

Repeated subtraction model

Missing-Factor model

Set (Partition) model

Properties of Whole Number Multiplication

Distributive property of multiplication over addition and subtraction

Zero multiplication property of whole numbers

Identity property of multiplication of whole numbers

Associative property of multiplication of whole numbers

Commutative property of multiplication of whole numbers

Closure propery of multiplication of whole numbers

Multiplication of Whole Numbers

Cartesian-Product Model

The Array and Area Model

Repeated-Addition Model

Equal-Addition Algorithms
Subtraction Algorithms
Addition Algorithms
Set model
Basic Addition Facts

Counting back

Making 10


Counting on

Addition Properties

Identity Property

Associative Property

Commutative Property

Closure Property

Ordering Whole Numbers
Numer Line (Measurement) Model

Chapter2. Numeration Systems and Sets

Language of sets
Set Difference
Set Union
Set Intersection
Universal Set
Cardinal Numbers
Equivalent Sets
One-to-One Correspondence
Numerals-the written symbols
Other Number Base System
Roman Numeration System
Mayan Numeration System
Babylonian Numeration System
Egyptian Numeration System
Talley Numeration System
Hindu-Arabic Numeration System

Chapter1. Problem Solving

Exploration of Patterns
Fibonacci sequence
Geometric sequence
Arithmetic sequence
Four-step problem solving process
4. Looking back. (Check!)
3. Carrying out the plan.
2. Devising a Plan.
1. Understand the problem.