jonka Arun Bala 15 vuotta sitten
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RecruitmentStaffing AssignmentHeadcount/Personnel StructurePersonnel FlowEmployee TimesEmployee-Specific Payroll DataCompensation ManagementCompensation OverviewBenefitsTraining and Education
POS_OCC Number of Occupied Positions0POS_FRE Number of Unoccupied Positions0POS_VAC Number of Vacant Unoccupied Positions0POSOCFTE Occupied Positions FTE0POSFRFTE Unoccupied Positions FTE0POSVCFTE Vacant Unoccupied Positions FTE0POS_OCCVAC Number of Vacant Occupied Positions0POSOVCFTE Vacant Occupied Positions FTE0POS_COUNT Number of Positions0POS_CNTFTE Positions FTE0POS_CTSPAN Span of Control of a Position
0PAYRL_AREA Payroll Area0HRWORKCNTR Work Center0PAYPCT_CHA Capacity Utilization Level %0EMPLSTATUS Employment Status0SRVCLEN Length of Service 0COMP_CODE Company code0COUNTY_CDE County Code0SALARYGR Salary Group0SALARYAR Salary Area0SALARYTY Salary Structure0SALARYLV Pay Grade Level0GENDER Gender0CO_MST_AR Controlling Area of Master Cost Center 0AGE Age in Years0COUNTRY_ID Country Grouping0COUNTRY Country0EMPLOYEE Employee0EMPLGROUP Employee Group0EMPLSGROUP Employee Subgroup0ESGFORCAP Employee Subgroup Grouping for Collective Agreement Provisions0NATION Nationality0ORGUNIT Organizational Unit0PERSON Person0PERS_AREA Personnel Area0PERS_SAREA Personnel Subarea0HRPOSITION Position0POS_CHIEF Position is Chief Position0POS_LIMIT Position is temporary0POSTAL_CD Postal Code0REGION Region0PERSLANGU Language0MAST_CCTR Master Cost Center 0JOB Job0PAYSCALETY Pay Scale Type0PAYSCALEAR Pay Scale Area0PAYSCALEGR Pay Scale Group0PAYSCALELV Pay Scale Level