jonka Anna Bewley 12 vuotta sitten
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The ways ideas are portrayed through texts. Includes:
mediuam of production ( text type conventions), language features, characterisation, structure, register, themes, issues, ideas, contexts etc.
BOS Definition: The range of personal, social, historical, cultural and workplace conditions in which a text is responded to and composed.
theoretical readings and interpretations/arguments relating to the play Julius Caesar
Feast of Lupercal
men as Gods
msaculinity of protagonists
masculinity represented through Portia's dialogue
femininity - Calphurnia
domestic versus private roles of both Caesar and Brutus
Rome 44 AD
representations of power, government; power over other individuals, Machiavellian politics of Cassius; leadership in 44AD Rome; Pompey V Caesar; monarchy versus republicanism; Antony and Octavius and Lepidus as a triumverate; historical power roles, role of the senate etc.
traditions and heritage, specific cultural references to food, clothing, holidays, traditions
work, education, leisure
to inform
to persuade
to differentiate
to contrast
to create
to challenge
to illuminate
to construct
to infer
to imply
to connote
to provide insight
Stage directions:
Module C: Representation and Text
This module requires students to explore various representations of events, personalities or situations. They evaluate how medium of production, textual form, perspective and choice of language influence meaning. The study develops students’ understanding of the relationships between representation and meaning.
Each elective in this module requires the study of one prescribed text offering a representation of an event, personality or situation. Students are also required to supplement this study with texts of their own choosing which provide a variety of representations of that event, personality or situation. These texts are to be drawn from a variety of sources, in a range of genres and media.
Students explore the ways in which different media present information and ideas to understand how various textual forms and their media of production offer different versions and perspectives for a range of audiences and purposes.
Students develop a range of imaginative, interpretive and analytical compositions that relate to different forms and media of representation. These compositions may be realised in a variety of forms and media.
Textual References
Links to Related Texts
values list attached
ensure you locate textual evidence with technique analysis to support your assertions