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Nitq hissələri

Dilin quruluşunda əsas və köməkçi nitq hissələri vardır. Əsas nitq hissələrinə fel, sifət, isim, zərflik, əvəzlik və say daxildir. Fel, hərəkət və zaman ifadə edərkən, sifət əşya və hadisələrin xüsusiyyətlərini təsvir edir.

Nitq hissələri

Nitq hissələri

Name the character

Type in the name of the character whose change throughout the story you are going to analyze.

Example: Nick Carraway.

Köməkçi nitq hissələri

Character's behavior

Think of the character's behavior at the beginning of the story and look for the way it changed throughout the story.

danışanın hissini və həyacanını bildirir.

vay, ox, oy, ay.

sözlərin və cümlələrin təsir gücünü artırır.

The reason for the change in behavior

What caused the character to change the first behavior you mentioned? Type in the reason for the change.

Example: 'because no one else was interested ', and he felt Gatsby shouldn't be left alone in his last moments.

elə, məhz, əsl

sözlər və cümlə arasında əlaqə yaradır.

Change in behavior

How did the character change the first behavior you mentioned? Type in a quote to prove your statement.

Example: Nick assumes the whole responsibility for Gatsby's funeral arrangements, 'with that intense personal interest to which every one has some vague right at the end.'

amma, ancaq, ya, ya da, gah , gah da.

danışanın ifadə etdiyi fikrə münasibətini bildirir.

əlbəttə, həqiqətən, yəni sözsüz.

üçün, kimi, tək, qədər.
ismin hallarına qoşularaq müəyyən məna çaları yaradır.

Initial behavior

How does the character act at the beginning of the story? Type in a relevant quote for your statement.

Example: Nick shows his immature side as he leaves to New York in order to avoid 'being rumored into marriage' with his girlfriend.

Əsas nitq hissələri

Character's feelings

Focus on the way the character's feelings are presented at the beginning and at the end of the story, while explaining why they have changed.

nə edir?
nə edəcək?
nə etdi?
digər nitq hissələrini yerində işlənir.
hərəkətin tərzini, yerini, zamanını bildirir
nə qədər?

The reason for the change of feelings

Why did the character change his feelings? Type in the answer.

Example: the East lost its appeal due to the shallowness, carelessness and corruption.


The reason for the change of feelings

What caused the character to change the first belief you mentioned? Type in the reason for the change.

Example: disgust towards the lack of morality in the Buchanan family.


Change of feelings

How did the character change the belief you mentioned?

Type in a relevant quote for his change.

Example: 'Winter night and the real snow, our snow(...)We drew in deep breaths of it . . . unutterably aware of our identity with this country for one strange hour before we melted indistinguishably into it again. That's my middle-west.' - Nick on the purity and integrity of Midwest.

nə cür?

Change of feelings

In what way did the character change the feeling you mentioned?

Type in a quote to support your statement.

Example: 'They are a rotten crowd. You're worth the whole damn bunch put together.' - Nick criticizing the Buchanans.


Initial feelings

How does the character feel about a certain subject at the beginning of the story? Type in a relevant quote to support your statement.

Example: 'Reserving judgements is a matter of infinite hope.'


Initial feelings

What was the character's initial belief? Type in a relevant quote.

Example: 'seems like the ragged edge of the universe' - Nick talking about Midwest, the place where he grew up.


Initial feelings

How does the character feel about a certain subject at the beginning of the story? Type in a relevant quote to support your statement.

Example: "Reserving judgements is a matter of infinite hope."