jonka iris quintero 4 vuotta sitten
Lisää tämän kaltaisia
PATH - Specifies paths, in which the operating system looks for executable files. This is a command that is usually written in the Config.sys and in batch process files.
SET - Assign values to environment variables.
TYPE - Display the contents of a file. It is mainly used to view file contents in text format.
ECHO OFF - Hides the echo of executed commands. Note: this is written as a line of code, in the batch files (.bat) and not in the prompt line.
REN or RENAME - Rename files and directories.
TIME - Display or change the time of the internal clock.
VER - Shows the Operating System version.
DIR - Shows a list of files and directories (folders) that are in a directory on the disk.
SubtRD or RMDIR - Deletes a directory that is completely empty. opic
VOL - Shows the hard disk label and volume (if any)
DATE - Changes or displays the system date.
PROMPT - Changes the command display line.
SuREM - Allows you to insert comments in batch files.