Luokat: Kaikki - agriculture - construction - arts

jonka vanlau tiarael 4 päivää sitten



Various professions within the realms of arts, construction, agriculture, and craftsmanship are described, highlighting diverse skills and roles. Artistic vocations include musicians, singers, fashion designers, writers, painters, comedians, acrobats, dancers, athletes, curators, sculptors, tattooists, and actors, all contributing to cultural and creative endeavors.



Government & Law

Diplomat – an official representing a country abroad
Lawyer/Advocate – practices or studies law, typically an attorney or a counselor
Emperor/Empress – the supreme sovereign ruler of an extensive group of states or countries under a single authority
Lady-in-Waiting – attends a queen, princess, or other high-ranking feminine nobleperson
King/Queen – the ruler of an independent state and its people
Master-of-Coin – supervises the royal treasury, advises the monarch on financial matters, and is responsible for raising money through taxation
Viscount/Viscountess – a nobleperson ranking above a baron and below a count
Ward – a member of a noble house who has been taken in by another noble family to be raised for a time
Noble/Aristocrat – a person belonging to a class with high social or political status
Marquess/Marchioness – a nobleperson ranking above a count and below a duke
Prince/Princess – the direct descendant of a monarch
Esquire/Squire – acts as an attendant to a knight before attempting to become a knight themselves
Count/Earl/Countess – a nobleperson ranking above a viscount and below a marquess
Duke/Duchess – rules over a duchy and is of the highest rank below the monarch
Chief – leads or rules a people or clan
Senator – partakes in governmental decision-making after being elected
Baron/Baroness – a member of the lowest order of the British nobility
Page – a young attendant to a person of noble rank



Charlatan/Conman – tricks people by gaining their trust and persuading them to believe something that is not true in order to benefit from the encounter
Smuggler – manages the import or export of goods secretly, in violation of the law, especially without payment of legal duty
Bandit – a robber or outlaw belonging to a gang and typically operating in an isolated or lawless area
Raider/Marauder – makes sudden, unprompted attacks against defenseless or near-defenseless settlements
Assassin – murders through stealth for reasons pertaining to money, politics, or religion


Refugee – leaves their home in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster
Prisoner – held in confinement as a punishment for crimes they have been convicted of
Hermit – lives in solitude, typically as a religious or spiritual discipline
Grave Robber/Tomb Raider – steals valuables from graves and tombs
Elder – a person of a greater age, especially one with a respected position in society
Adventurer – wanders the world in search of knowledge, treasure, fame, glory or a multitude of additional wants and desires



Stonecutter – crafts stone plates and makes bricks
Engraver – incises a design onto a hard surface by cutting grooves into it
Brewer – brews ale
Bottler – bottles drinks and other liquids
Finesmith – works with delecate materials like gold, silver, glas
Optician – makes and repairs eyeglasses
Jeweler – designs, makes, and repairs necklaces, bracelets, watches, etc. often containing jewels
Bladesmith | Weaponsmith – creates and repairs bladed weapons like swords, daggers and blunt weapons
Blacksmith – forges and repairs things in metal, including weapons, armor, utensils, etc
Coinsmith – crafts coins
Locksmith – makes and repairs locks
Cuttler – creates spoons, forks aso
Inventor | Tinker – creates and repairs utensils & inventions
Leatherworker – makes items from leather such as pouches, scabbards, straps, etc
Leather Tailor – makes armor and protective cloth out of leather
Saddler – makes and repairs saddlery.
Potter – makes pots, bowls, plates, etc., out of clay
Soapmaker – creates soaps from vegetables
Candlemaker – creates light sources from sea pumpkins
Toymaker – makes & repares Toys
Furniture Artisan – makes and repairs furniture
Wheelwright – makes and repairs wooden wheels.
Woodcarver – fashions wood into various shapes, like bows, staffs, arrows, brooms
Instrument crafter – makes & repairs instruments for music
Seamstress – makes & repairs gaments
Mercer | Weaver – weaves textile fabrics
Embroiderer – ornaments with needlework
Dyer – dyes cloth, paper and other materials
Printer – a person who applies an inked surface upon paper or cloth and transfering the ink onto it
Bookbinder – binds books and wraps scrolls


Roadlayer – builds roads
Interior designer – designs and builds building interiors
Architect – designs buildings & city layouts
Carpenter – makes and repairs wooden objects & structure
Builder – crafts buildings with the help of earth spirits


Animal Handler – takes care of animals
Ranger – wanders or ranges over a particular area or domain
Lumberjack | Forester – collects wood & takes care of the forests wellbeing
Farmer – cultivates land & grows food
Forager – collecting food & materials in the wild
Miner – works underground to obtain ores & minerals
Florist – grows & arranges plants & flowers
Fisher – plants & harvests seegras, pumpkins & cacti


Tattooist – paints art on skin permanently
Singer | Soprano – sings with or without instrumental accompaniment
Musician – plays a musical instrument
Acrobat | Trapezist – performs spectacular gymnastic feats, acrobatics high above the ground
Curator – keeper and custodian of a museum or other collections of precious items
Dancer – moves their body rhythmically with or without musical accompaniment
Comedian – entertainer whose act is designed to make an audience laugh
Writer – commits his or her thoughts, ideas, etc., into written language
Sculptor – crafts art by carving or casting blocks of marble, stones, or other hardened minerals
Costumer | Fashion Designer – makes theatrical costumes/applies design, aesthetics and natural beauty to garments and their accessories
Actor – impersonates characters, typically on stage in a theatrical production
Painter – creates pictures
Athlete – proficient in sports and other forms of physical exercise


Business & Trade

Merchant – sells and trades goods
Bookkeeper – keeps records of financial affairs
Accountant – keeps and inspects financial accounts
Innkeeper – owns and runs an inn
Collector – collects things of a specified type, professionally or as a hobby
Vendor – deals items in the street


Student – attends school or learns under other to enter and pursue a particular subject
Philosopher – a scholar of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence
Apothecary – prepares and sells medicines, drugs, and potions
Herbalist – practices healing by the use of herbs
Entomologist – studies or is an expert in the branch of zoology concerned with insects
Drakologist – studies or is an expert in the branch of zoology concerned with dragons
Chemist – engaged in chemical research or experiments
Astronomer – makes observations of celestial and scientific phenomena within the material plane
Librarian / Archivist – maintains and is in charge of archives
Professor – a teacher of the highest rank in a college or university
Botanist – an expert in or student of the scientific study of plants
Engineer – designer of a machine or structure
Mortician – prepares dead bodies for burial or cremation and makes arrangements for funerals
Doctor/Physician – a qualified practitioner of medicine
Archaeologist – studies humanoid history and prehistory through the excavation of sites and the analysis of artifacts and other physical remains
Cartographer – a scholar and illustrator of maps
Mathematician – a scholar of the abstract science of number, quantity, and space
Historian – an expert in or student of history, especially that of a particular period, geographical region, or social phenomenon


Teacher – educates others in his field of knowledge
Advisor – utilizes their expertise for the guidance and benefit of others
Linguist – studies the essence of communication, including the units, nature, structure, and modification of language
Courier – transports packages and documents
Translator | Interpreter – translates between languages
Herald – a messenger who carries important news


Counselor – helps with psychological and emotional problems
Street Cleaner – cleans streets and alleyways after dark
Lamplighter – lights street or road lights at dusk
Accoucheur/Obstetrician/Midwife – assists in childbirth and the care of women giving birth
Caregiver – looks after a sick, elderly, or disabled person / Nurse – cares for the sick or infirm, especially in a hospital
Plumber – installs and repairs the fittings of water supply and sanitation
Barber – cuts hair and shaves or trims beards
Gardener/Landscaper – tends and cultivates a garden
Laundry Worker – a laborer who takes part in the washing, drying, and ironing of clothes and other fabric items
Cook – prepares food for eating
Wet Nurse – a woman employed to suckle another woman’s child
Baker – bakes bread and cakes
Barkeep – works and serves drinks in a bar
Water Bearer – brings water from rivers, wells, and lakes back to their settlement



Wizard - uses elemental magic to cast & summon
Caster – elemental attacks, proficient in 1 or 2 elements

Elemental Master – combines magic with weapons, long/short range

Archmage – proficient in more than 3 elements, high destructive elemental power

Necromancer – interacts with the dead & resurrects them

Mindbreaker – Breaks enemies Spirit, adds confusion, decreasing resistance, Mindtricks

Soultaker – overtakes Enemies & controlls their thoughts & actions

Summoner – summons small spirits to help fight

Shapeshifter – changes physical form into an elemental being

Elemental Summoner – fights with an elemental spirits help

Cleric – heals & buffs allies, debuffs enemies
Bard – buffs allies (Dmg, Spd, Crit, Accuracy ) & debuffs enemies through songs

Illusionist – debuffs enemies with slow, root, weakness,

Arcane Shielder – Def increase with magic, taunts enemies with sound, smell aso

Mentalist – high boost of Dmg, Spd, Crit & Evasion

Prophet – Buffs allies with defense & health regeneration

Hierophant – Supports Party with a variety of buffs (Def, HP, minor Dmg )


Arcane Tinkerer – stores Magic in small ranged self created gadgets and can heal, buff, debuff or attack

Oracle – Healer

Saint – heals allies & can ressurect, blesses allies with regeneration

Magical Arts (non fight)

Seer/Oracle – able to see what the future holds through supernatural insight
Runecaster – uses special alphabets to create runes (symbols possessing magical effects capable of being used multiple times)
Ritualist – practices or advocates the observance of ritual (formula intended to trigger a magical effect on a person or objects)
Druid – a mage attuned to the magical forces of nature, able to shapeshift, call on the elements, communicate with flora and fauna, etc
Conjuror – conjures spirits or familiars
Alchemist – transforms or creates something within nature through (usually) ritualist magic
Astrologer – uses astrology to tell others about their character or to predict their future
Wordsmith – draws their power from language and casts by dictation
Sage – a wise and experienced magic-user
Meteorologist – forecasts and manipulates weather
Warlock – contracted to a being from a different realm & using that patreons power
Artificer – unlocks magic in everyday objects as well as being an inventor



Imperial Knight – serves his or her sovereign after being bestowed a rank of royal honor
Spy – secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements, and plans of an enemy or competitor
Sapper – a soldier responsible for tasks such as building and repairing roads and bridges, laying and clearing mines, etc.
Mercenary – a soldier without allegiance who works for money, typically a member of a company or guild
City Watch – an officer of law enforcement who resides in larger towns or cities
Bouncer – prevents troublemakers from entering or to eject them from the premises of an establishment
Admiral – commands a fleet or naval squadron
Warmage – a soldier skilled in destructive battle magic (maybe a title)
Runner – carries information between lines in wartime
Royal Guard – responsible for the protection of a royal person
Detective/Investigator – investigates and solves crimes
Captain – an army officer of high rank in charge of commanding squadrons of soldiers
Bailiff – looks after prisoners.


Scout - specializes in ranged & sneak attacks
Rogue – focuses on stealth, uses knives

Thief – uses traps, that root & confuse enemies, can steal items

Treasure Hunter – collects only rare Parts of enemies

Shadow Stalker – Assassin uses poison, can hide in the shadows

Archer – uses a (cross)bow

Hawkeye – one shot with high dmg output

Wind Rider – uses many quick shots

Soldier – specializes in dmg output
Scavenger – spear & blunt weapon

Bounty Hunter – scanvenges Parts & Items from mobs

Artisan – fights with technical weapon like bombs & canons

Warlord – uses pole weapon, can inspire allies with dmg & spd, AOE dmg

Berserker – uses fist weapons or bare hands

Gladiator – Polearm/Lancer user, can attack multiple enemies at once

Warrior – specializes in protection
Duelist – skilled in one-on-one combat

Swordsinger – one big sword or blunt weapon and uses def & accuracy buffs

Bladedancer – Dualblades and uses atk & spd buffs

Knight – specializes in protecting allies

Temple Knight – tanks dmg, high taunt, provides HP reg, DEF, Attk with a kind of aura

Protector – def increases while taking dmg, highest taunt, low dmg output
