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การใช้ Was / Were
1.Was ___?
Was + I + ___? เช่น Was I tired?
Was + he + ___? เช่น Was he tired?
Was + she + ___? เช่น Was she tired?
Was + it + ___? เช่น Was it tired?
Was + 1 คน + ___? เช่น Was Kim tired?
Were + You + ___? เช่น Were you tired?
Were + We + ___? เช่น Were we tired?
Were + They + ___? เช่น Were they tired?
Were + หลายคน + ___? เช่น Were the boys tired?
การใช้ was not / were not
1.was not
I + was not เช่น I was not tired.
He + was not เช่น He was not tired.
She + was not เช่น She was not tired.
It + was not เช่น It was not tired.
1 คน + was not เช่น Kim was not tired.
2.were not
You + were not เช่น You were not tired.
We + were not เช่น We were not tired.
They + were not เช่น They were not tired.
หลายคน + were not เช่น The boys were not tired.
การใช้ was / were
I + was เช่น I was tired.
He + was เช่น He was tired.
She + was เช่น She was tired.
It + was เช่น It was tired.
1 คน + was เช่น Kim was tired.
You + were เช่น You were tired.
We + were เช่น We were tired.
They + were เช่น They were tired.
หลายคน + were เช่น The boys were tired.
Did + ทุกประธาน + V.infinitve?
Did I run?
Did you run?
Did we run?
Did they run?
Did the boys run?
Did he run?
Did she run?
Did it run?
Did Kim run?
ทุกประธาน + didn't + V.infinitive
I didn't run.
You didn't run.
We didn't run.
They didn't run.
The boys didn't run.
He didn't run.
She didn't run.
It didn't run.
Kim didn't run.
ทุกประธาน + V2
I ran.
You ran.
We ran.
They ran.
The boys ran.
He ran.
She ran.
It ran.
Kim ran.