Luokat: Kaikki - apple - certificates - distribution

jonka Nikos Kazantzis 4 vuotta sitten


PhoneGap 190924

The process of building and distributing iOS applications using PhoneGap involves several steps, starting from creating a build, setting up Apple certificates, and eventually uploading the app to the Apple App Store.


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PhoneGap 190924



Upload to Play Store

Submit .apk file and get approval from Google

Prepare app and Play Store page

Upload certificate file to PhoneGap Build account

Setup Google certificates

Requires Google Developer account

Create certificate file

Upload to Google Play Store

Sideload to any device

Install APK manually

Get QR code of app from PhoneGap Build

Build .apk file

.apk file created

Currently just build for iOS

Upload to Apple App Store

Upload to App Store

Requires a Mac

Submit .ipa file and get approval from Apple

Requires XCode

Prepare app and App Store page

Use an .ipa built with the "App Store" provisioning profile

Sideload to a device

Arbitrary device

Enterprise account

TestFlight method

Install TestFlight from the App Store

Get the app link

Install the app inside the TestFlight app

Submit app to Apple TestFlight for approval

Post approved app to TestFlight and get a link

Send email invites with the app link

Specific device


Get QR code of app

Manually install .ipa file

Scan QR code and install on specific device


Get UDID of device

Set app ID of app

Add to "ad-hoc" provisioning profile

Build .ipa file

Use Alpha Anywhere

Goto PhoneGap section

Setup and upload to PhoneGap Build

.ipa file created

Setup PhoneGap Build

Take the .p12 file and the provisioning file

Create signing key in PGB

Provide .p12 file and provisioning file

Enter password created previously to unlock the generated signing file

Setup Apple certificates

Requires Apple Developer account (

Create .p12 file

Manual way (openSSL)

Keychain app (requires a Mac)

Download the provisioning file on a Mac

Doubleclick it to install it on Keychain app

Keychain app on a Mac

Choose the distribution certificate

Choose password

.p12 file generated

Create provisioning file

Create "App Store" provisioning profile for App Store


Create "Ad-Hoc" provisioning file (per app, for testing, with UDIDs up to 100 total)

provisioning file generated

Create distribution certificate


Not possible