jonka Piaget-mindhomo-by Blorya Baruch 13 vuotta sitten
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every child is ready to grasp certain ideas when his brain is ready for that age stage of development. when the conscious is mature, the brain will be able to attain the level of the conscious. in short, the conscious has its level of understanding as well based on the stage of development that the child is at.
it's important for a teacher to be aware of those stages of development and make sure that the material taught in class is suitabale for that age group.
עפ"י פיאז'ה סכמות הם אינם מבנים נתונים וקבועים מראש אלה נבנים כל הזמן בפעולת גומלין בינינו לבין הסביבה (ע"מ 54 מתוך "הלמידה האנושית", שיחות עם פיאז'ה).
since it be measures i.e. prooved, it is not considered as conscious.
not every idea that is accepted by a group of respectful people can be describes as "conscious" but rather any idea that can be given over and criticisized.
(1)the sensorimotor stage, (2)the preoperational stage, (3)the concrete operational stage, and (4) the formal operation stage