Luokat: Kaikki - motivation - doctrine

jonka Steven Anderson 6 vuotta sitten


Preaching by Pastor Steven Anderson

The provided text lists various chapters from the Books of Jeremiah and Zechariah, highlighting key themes including prophecy and divine messages. It also touches on theological debates about the Trinity, with references to both supporting and critical perspectives.

Preaching by Pastor Steven Anderson

Church Planting

Ordaining Pastors and Deacons

The Book of Zechariah

Zechariah 14

Zechariah 13

Zechariah 12

Zechariah 11

Zechariah 10

Zechariah 9

Zechariah 8

Zechariah 7

Zechariah 6

Zechariah 5

Zechariah 4

Zechariah 3

Zechariah 2

Zechariah 1

The Gospel of Luke

"The Sermon on the Plain"

"Luke 24: the Bodily Resurrection"

"Luke 23"

"Luke 22"

"Luke 21"

"Luke 20"

"Luke 19"

"Luke 18"

"Luke 17"

"Luke 16"

"Luke 15"

"Luke 14"

"Luke 13"

"Luke 12"

"Luke 11"

"Luke 10"

"Luke 9"

"Luke 8: the Parable of the Sower"

"Luke 7"

"Luke 6"

"Luke 5"

"Luke 4"

"Luke 3"

"Luke 2"

"Luke 1"

The Book of Jeremiah

Jeremiah 52

Jeremiah 51

Jeremiah 50

Jeremiah 49

Jeremiah 48

Jeremiah 47

Jeremiah 46

Jeremiah 45

Jeremiah 44

Jeremiah 43

Jeremiah 42

Jeremiah 41

Jeremiah 40

Jeremiah 39

Jeremiah 38

Jeremiah 37

Jeremiah 36

Jeremiah 35

Jeremiah 33

Jeremiah 32

Jeremiah 31

Jeremiah 30

Jeremiah 29

Jeremiah 28

Jeremiah 27

Jeremiah 26

Jeremiah 25

Jeremiah 24

Jeremiah 23

Jeremiah 22

Jeremiah 21

Jeremiah 20

Jeremiah 19

Jeremiah 18

Jeremiah 17

Jeremiah 16

Jeremiah 15

Jeremiah 14

Jeremiah 13

Jeremiah 12

Jeremiah 11

Jeremiah 10

Jeremiah 9

Jeremiah 8

Jeremiah 7

Jeremiah 6

Jeremiah 5

Jeremiah 4

Jeremiah 3

Jeremiah 2

Jeremiah 1



"Iceland: a Nation of Bastards"



"The Bad Example of Japan"


"Pentecostal Oneness Doctrine Debunked"

"The Trinity in Scripture"

"Oneness Modalist Heretics"

"Emphasizing What God Emphasizes"

"He Spared Not His Own Son"

"The Power of John Chapter 1"

"The Book of 2 John"

"Slipping Into Oneness Heresy"

"The Names of God - Part 2"

"The Names of God - Part 1"

"Trinity 101"

False Religions

East Orthodox Church

"Orthodoxy in Light of the Bible"
"God's Word vs. Vain Tradition"
"Star Wars in Light of the Bible"
"Lessons from Jonestown"
"God Was Manifest in the Flesh"
"There is Only One God"
"Fake Spirituality"
"The Shack Exposed - Part 2"
"The Shack Exposed - Part 1"
"Their Rock is Not as Our Rock"

Native American Church

"Native American Church Exposed"


"The Roman Catholic Inquisition"
"Drunken with the Blood of the Saints"
"To the Romans"



"Freemasonry in Light of the Bible"


Seventh Day Adventists

"Seventh Day Adventists Exposed"
"Seventh Day Adventist Cult"


"Buddhism and Catholicism"
"Buddhism in Light of the Bible"


"False Teachings of the Bhagavad Gita"
"Having Fellowship with Devils"

Sin & Worldliness


"Real Love vs. Self Love"
"Preferences vs. Convictions"
"Staying Right vs. Getting Right"
"Turning Grace into Lasciviousness"
"Self Control"
"The Blessing of Turning from Sin"
"If the Light in Thee Be Darkness"
"The Temptation of Jesus Christ"
"Raising the Bar of Righteousness"
"Not One Hoof Left Behind"
"The Works of the Flesh"
"Purging Out the Scum"


"Making Yourself of No Reputation"
"The Humiliation of Christ: Poverty"
"The Humiliation of Christ: Rejection"
"The Humiliation of Christ: Accusation"
"Good Sportsmanship"


"Divination & Soothsaying"


"A Doer of the Work"
"Being Paid According to Your Work"
"Animals in the Bible: Workers"
"I Know Thy Works"
"If You Won't Work, Then You Shouldn't Eat"
"The Song Imagine in Light of the Bible"
"Run with Patience"
"A Wasteful Steward"
"Doing the Hard Thing"


"Choose Your Suffering"
"Gluttons & Winebibbers"

Clothing & Hair

"Women's Clothing"
"Hair Length & 1 Corinthians 11"
"Pants in the Bible"


"Pornography & Prostitution"


"Ways to Destroy Yourself"



"Blacking Out While Drunk"
"Deceived by Alcohol"
"The Vine of Sodom"


"Them That Defile Themselves with Mankind"


"Murmuring and Complaining"
"Loosen Your Grip"


"Delighting Yourself in the Lord"
"Giving Christianity a Bad Name"
"Without God in the World"
"God is Always Right"
"Learn by Doing"


"Stumblingblocks & Rocks of Offense"


"Praise the Lord"

Battles & Persecution

"There are Many Adversaries"
"Fear vs. Power"
"Life is a Series of Battles"


"Ephesians 6"
"Ephesians 5"
"Ephesians 4"
"Ephesians 3"
"Ephesians 2"
"Ephesians 1"

Book of 2 Timothy

"2 Timothy 4"
"2 Timothy 3"
"2 Timothy 2"
"2 Timothy 1"


"The Criminal Injustice System"
"Animal Rights in Light of the Bible"
"2 Samuel 1"
"The Church of Liberalism"


"God's Plan B for Our Lives"
"Christ Who is Our Life"
"Things that are Precious"
"Be One of the Few"
"Branches Running Over the Wall"
"Reaping Where You Sow"
"Rewards for Serving Christ"
"Suffering Makes Us Better"
"I Being In the Way, the Lord Led Me"
"Growing in Faith"
"Patience: Waiting on the Lord"
"Psalm 23: the Lord is My Shepherd"
"Plan B for Your Life"

Fearing God

"Let Him Be Your Dread"


"Bible Principles for Missions"
"Living the Book of Acts"
"Common Sense Missions"
"The Righteous Remnant"
"The Word of God is Not Bound"

Debunking Flat Earth

"Flat Earth Debunked"


"Veganism in Light of the Bible"

The Devil

"The Purpose of the Devil"



Creation & Evolution

"Science Fiction Religion"
"Man: the Greatest Creation of God"
"The Age of the Earth"


"Separate 2016"
"Right & Wrong Separation"

Infiltrators & Judases

"4 Types of False Prophets"
"The Persistence Predator"
"False Profits Among Us"

The Old IFB

"A Great Falling Away"
"Starting Churches & Ordaining Elders"
"The Baby Boomer Generation"
"Why Church Nurseries are Unbiblical"
"A Famine of Hearing God's Word"
"King Saul & the Old IFB"
"Characteristics of Our Church"
"What's Wrong With Churches These Days?"
"The Bible College Scam"
"Myths about the Call to Preach"
"Church Planting"
"Mistakes of the Old IFB"

Being a Good Church Member

"Will a Man Rob God?"
"Unity in the Local Church"
"The Skills to Serve in the Church"
"Lawsuits Among Christians"
"Tattlers & Talebearers"
"What Doth It Profit?"
"Doubleminded and Unstable"
"The Sword of Gideon"
"The Financial Philosophy of FWBC"
"Behaving in the House of God"
"Take Heed How Ye Hear"
"Refuse the Younger Widows"
"The Importance of Our Friends"
"Loving the Children of God"
"What If Everyone Were Like You?"
"Holier Than Thou"
"Delegating Responsibility"
"Church Discipline"
"Thine Eye Shall Not Pity"
"The Right Attitude Toward Your Pastor"
"How to Act Socially"


"Angels that are NOT Human"
"Angels that are Human"

Bible Stories

"David's Mighty Men"
"The Face of Moses Shone"
"Nehemiah: a Great Man of God"
"The Enemies of Nehemiah"
"Jacob's Last Words"
"Elisha, Naaman, & Gehazi"

Overviews of Bible Books

"The Book of Psalms"
"Overview of the Book of Genesis"
"Overview of the Book of Exodus"
"Overview of the Book of Leviticus"
"Overview of the Book of Numbers"
"Overview of the Book of Amos"



"The Virtuous Woman"
"Feminism in Light of the Bible"
"Cleaning House"

Honoring Parents

"In the Days of Thy Youth"
"Honour Thy Mother"
"Receiving Correction"
"Respect for Authority"

Birth Control


"Charity in 1 Corinthians 13"
"The Leading Causes of Divorce"
"Thoughts on Marriage"
"Divorce & Remarriage in Light of the Bible"
"Marriage Licenses in Light of the Bible"
"Men Going Their Own Way" (MGTOW)

Child Rearing

"Too Little Too Late"
"I Praise You Not"
"Loving Your Children"
"Patience When Teaching"
"Bible Principles on Dating"
"The Ostrich vs. the Eagle"
"Things My Parents Did Right"
"The Rod & Reproof Give Wisdom"



"The Signs of the Times"
"The Seed of the Woman"

The Millennium

"Gog and Magog"
"The New Earth"
"End Times Prophecy in Ezekiel"


"Babylon in the End Times"
"Who Is End Times Babylon?"

Jews & Israel

"Greek: the Language of the New Testament"
"Jesus: the King of the Jews"
"The Desolation of Jerusalem"
"The 144,000"
"A Stiffnecked People"
"Sarah & the Nation of Israel"

Timing of the Rapture

"Bible Prophecy Foundations"
"The Timing of the Rapture"

Book of Daniel

"Daniel 12"
"Daniel 11"
"Daniel 10"
"Daniel 9"
"Daniel 8"
"Daniel 7"
"Daniel 6"
"Daniel 5"
"Daniel 4"
"Daniel 3"
"Daniel 2"
"Daniel 1"
"Rightly Dividing the Book of Daniel"

Book of Revelation

"Revelation 22"
"Revelation 21"
"Revelation 20"
"Revelation 19"
"Revelation 18"
"Revelation 17"
"Revelation 16"
"Revelation 15"
"Revelation 14"
"Revelation 13"
"Revelation 12"
"Revelation 11"
"Revelation 10"
"Revelation 9"
"Revelation 8"
"Revelation 7"
"Revelation 6"
"Revelation 5"
"Revelation 4"
"Revelation 3"
"Revelation 2"
"Revelation 1"

Preaching by Pastor Steven Anderson

1 Chronicles

"1 Chronicles 9"
"1 Chronicles 8"
"1 Chronicles 7"
"1 Chronicles 6"
"1 Chronicles 5"
"1 Chronicles 4"
"1 Chronicles 3"
"1 Chronicles 2"
"1 Chronicles 1"


"The Everlasting Punishment of Hell"
"Things That are Really Scary"
"Jesus Descended Into Hell"
"The Bottomless Pit"


"Luke 11: Teach Us to Pray"
"Christ's Example of Prayer"


"Unto Us Which are Saved"
"The Tree is Known by His Fruit"
"Saved by the Word"
"The Sinner's Prayer"
"Hindrances to Getting Saved"
"The Lamb's Book of Life"
Faith Alone
"Old Testament Salvation"
"Turning Romans 7 on its Head"
"Evidence of Salvation"
"A New Creature in Christ"
Eternal Security

King James Version

"Where Did We Get Our Bible?"
"The Preservation of the Old Testament"
"The Writing of the New Testament"
"Hard Words in the KJV"
"Bible Translations"
"Two Problems with the Modern Versions"
"Antichrist Bible Versions"

Bible Reading

"Why There are Four Gospels"
"How to Learn"
"A Ready Scribe"
"Lean Not Unto Thine Own Understanding"
"Founded on the Rock"
"Making Wise the Simple"
"Life Long Learning"
"Use It or Lose It"
"Didn't Our Heart Burn Within Us?"
"Using Scripture In Context"
"Fables and Fake History"
"The Exception Proves the Rule"
"Being Consistent"


"A Living Sacrifice unto God"
"The Great Commission"
"God the Investor"
"A Strategy to Evangelize the Entire World"
"Four Great Commissions"
"12 Year History of FWBC"
"Making Excuses for Being Unfruitful"
"The Sky is the Limit"
"Soul-winning Dos & Don'ts
"Improving Your Soul-winning"


"How Forcible are Right Words"
"The Homo Agenda vs. Reality"
"The Enemies of Moses"
"The Fearful and Unbelieving"
"The Sodomites Will Never Stop Us"
"Hebrews 6: Rejected & Nigh Unto Cursing"
"Pray for America"
"The Christian's Hate Life"
"What is a Reprobate?"
"The Workers of Iniquity"
"Without are Dogs"
"Make America Hate Again"
"The Days of Lot"
"Having Pleasure in Reprobates"