Luokat: Kaikki - strategies - strengths - reliability - growth

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QRI 5 Pages 1-36- Dave and Lindsay

The Qualitative Reading Inventory, Fifth Edition (QRI-5), is designed to evaluate reading abilities in students from pre-primer through older grades, covering both narrative and expository passages.

QRI 5 Pages 1-36- Dave and Lindsay

QRI 5 Pages 1-36- Dave and Lindsay

4. Uses

Describe Specific Reading Behaviors as a Guide for Intervention Instruction (RTI: Tiers 2 and 3)
What Comprehension Strategies Does the Student Employ While Reading?
Does the Student Effectively Use Look-Backs?
How Does the Student Perform on Familiar and Unfamiliar Text?
Which Modes of Reading Represent a Strength for the Student?
Which Types of Text Can the Student Handle Most Successfully?
Is there a Difference Between a Student's Ability to Identify Words in Isolation and Words in Context?
What Word-Identification Strategies are Used by the Student?
How Automatic Is the Student in Identifying Words?
How Accurate Is the Student in Identifying Words?
Verify a Suspected Problem
With Recall Following Reading
With Ineffective Note Taking
With Silent Reading Comprehension
With Unfamiliar Topics
With Expository Text
Indicate Growth and Monitor Progress: RTI
Determine Reading Level
Estimate Reading Level Through Group Administration and Monitor Classroom Progress (RTI)
Estimate Individual Instructional Reading Level

1. Description


3rd grade and up test both types of passages

more as you move to older grades

start in pre-primer

science, SS, math

Word Lists
Determine the starting point for passage

3. Information Provided

Questions Regarding the Validity and Reliability of QRI-5
Classification Validity
Construct Validity
Concurrent Validity
Reliability of Diagnostic Judgments
Alternate-Form Reliability
Inter-Scorer Reliability
Documenting Growth and Change
Determining Reader Strengths and Needs
Finding Reading Levels
Level Variety
Frustration Level
Instructional Level
Independent Level
Identifying Reading Levels

2.Research Perspective

Use of an Informal Reading Inventory
Response to Intervention
Passage Leveling
Word Identification
Role of Dialect in Coding Miscues
Knowledge of Letter-Sound Matching
Speed and Automaticity
Think Alouds
Questions and Look-Backs

differentiate between memory and passage understanind

Oral and Silent Reading

silent (3rd and up)

oral (2nd and below)

Prior Knowledge
Text Structure
Reading Acquisition: A Developmental Perspective