Luokat: Kaikki - sleep - success - motivation - pressure

jonka Isabella Smith 2 vuotta sitten


Reimagining school

The structure and design of school schedules often do not reflect the varying demands of different subjects. For instance, hands-on classes like shop might require extended periods, whereas subjects such as chemistry could benefit from shorter, more digestible sessions to prevent overwhelming students.

Reimagining school

Reimagining school

Changing Societal Norms

Not everyones life looks the same and success looks different to everyone. There isn't one clear cut path and struggling in school does not mean you wont ever succeed in your life.
Society pressure children to follow a certain path in life. This pressure is shown in schools by prioritizing certain subject while minamizing others and putting pressure to attned post secondary eduction. This can cause strain on mental health when in reality not everyones life looks the same.

Class schedules

Students might also enjoy larger breaks in between classes to let what you learned set in, calm nerves after a difficult lesson, work on project for other classes
having all classes being the same lenth isn't always realistic for the work load. For example a shop class might require 2-3 hours of consistant work for a project, however a class like chemistry is probably better of being shorter than that so you don't overwhelm students with information
Teenagers need 8-10 hours of sleep so when school starts early focusing in class can be difficult.
classes that start later in the day often have higher attendance rates.

Prioritizing Mental Health

normalize taking mental health breaks whether thats a quick walk around the school during class or maybe a day off school.
Students in highschool often start struggling with their mental health for the first time, so it would be helpful if in grade 9 we learned that this can be a normal part of puberty and resources or techniques to help.


I think it would be helpful to plenty of students to start seperating classes in elementary school. having diffent levels of classes simialr to in highschool ie. academic, applied, helps students to have different learning styles. It would also allow students to remain challenged in subjects they do well in and get any needed extra halp in subjects they don't do well in.
It would be helpful to have a manditory class on thing like playing taxes, buying property, cooking, So that when students graduate the transition to adulthood isn't as overwhelming.
Our current curriculum focuses alot on math, english, and science. These are topics that are important to have at least base level understanding of, however alot of people don't use more then the basic in their everyday lives so changing the curriculm to understand that not everyone goes into these fields and explore a wider field of interest might motivate students who don't exel in these fields.