Luokat: Kaikki - tutorials - design - technique - advertising

jonka R Nicolandos 13 vuotta sitten


RNPS Photography

An educational program focuses on various aspects of photography, offering students different roles and responsibilities. It includes positions such as advertising, exhibition promotion, visual design, blogging, and equipment monitoring.

RNPS Photography

RNPS Photography

Self Help Resources

'Experts' - chn ask an expert (more advanced worker) as the program progresses
Internet resources
Books on the program of choice (Lightroom, Photoshop Elements or IPhoto)
Students create tutorials to help each other, using Voice thread or a similar program (UTube style)

Student Roles

Voice Thread Tutorial Team
Suited to high achievers who can work independently
Visual Design team
Keeping displays up to date
Promoting exhibitions
Writing reports on the latest photography news
Camera Monitor
Checking all cameras are returned etc
Battery Monitor
Making sure batteries are charged

Camera Terms & Usage

Assign camera to individuals
Correct handling of equipment & clear consequences for misuse
Camera settings - check before shoot

To Consider

Set day during the week
Ways to reduce 'wait' time for kids (1 teacher to 25 kids?)
Methods of content delivery
1/2 class on computer task 1/2 on photo task
Printing or digital projection only
Will the children be able to print images at a lab occasionally?
Group Options
Gender Based

Grade level

Mixed or like Abiilty Based

Session Times
1 hour or two hour sessions
Camera Purchase








Type of camera - compact, hybrid or DSLR
Student to Camera ratio

Lesson Sequence

Viewing work of photographers for inspiration
3. Regular public viewing of images via internet, assembly, exhibition etc (Student Managed)
2. Follow up (week after) with sharing and discussing images - chat about focus of the week e.g. exposure
Demonstrate a new post processing technique

Students work on own work

1. Short demonstrations on small topic
Go out and shoot

Load images onto computer

Conceptual Work

Challenges of Youth

Post Processing Images

Using layers
Dodging & Burning
The Importance of Sharpening
Vibrance & Saturation
Brightness & Contrast
Taming the Mountain (Reading a levels histogram)
Naming your image files
Correct image saving procedures and file storage


Using camera Scene Modes (grades 3/4)
Why is controlling image exposure so important?
Depth of Field
Shutter speed
Creating an amazing image
Image style

Action shots



Papparatzi (Secret capture)


Creating a story in one image
Drawing the viewer into the image
Creating impact
How does a digital camera work?

Visual Basics

Training your eye & brain at the same time
Seeing in Colour & Black & White
The Art of 'Seeing'
From a worm's eye view to the treetops
Images are all around you