Luokat: Kaikki - problem - qualitative - quantitative - ethical

jonka Humbert Beltran 7 vuotta sitten



Creating a strong research question involves multiple steps and careful consideration. Start by selecting a topic of genuine interest that you can realistically study. Determine whether your research will be qualitative, quantitative, or a mix of both, as this decision will guide your methodology and problem statement.


Qualitative research is useful for describing or answering questions about particular localized occurrences or contexts and the perspectives of a particular group toward events, beliefs or practices.

Because mixed studies are looking at two questions, one to be answered with a quantitative methodology and one with a qualitative methodology, the question must be a compound statement. It is recommended to use the word “and” in writing a problem statement. You can also write your purpose in two sentences, or in a list.

Quantitative research is based on the collection and analysis of numerical data. Underlying quantitative research methods is the belief or assumption that we inhabit a relatively stable, uniform, and coherent world that can be measured.

*Be realistic

Identify a problem area

You must be interested in your topic

*Do not be too abstract with your question


3.-Write your problem statement

4.-Ethical considerations

You need a review committee. Its function is to review and federally funded grant to consider the risks involved to the subjects participating in the study.

full review, expedited review, or exempt from review. The category is determined by the degree to which the study will involve and impact the subjects.


Cuantitative data

Qualitative data

2.-Decide what type of methodology you are going to use

1.-First of all, think about a topic which you can study. Do not forget:

The introduction would include some narrative that helps the reader understand how you became aware of the problem and to have some idea of what you intend to do in the study.

In this step, you are ready to start writing your introduction

5.-Organizing the introduction