jonka kylee helderbrand 12 vuotta sitten
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We need to finish political right now not economical. Also one of the main topics should go under whatever society you wrote it for.
There was just somebody else on the map
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Political-"The death of a powerful leader in 1908 was followed by a nationwide rebellion. This rebellion was followed by years of civil war." This is bad because the rebellion got so bad that in society 3 a cival war was start. "leaders in this society proposed new limits on Internet use and media in October 2011. The proposal included some of the strictest measures in years. For example, the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television limited 34 major television stations to two 90-minute entertainment shows per week. The same TV stations were also limited to two hours of news every evening. The two hours of news must be approved by the state. Audience ratings were ordered to be ignored." This is bad because they are censering t.v. and internet to pervent rebellion. That could be because of a curupt leader.
Economical-“Whereas this society's Olympics cost a huge $40 billion, indicating just how important this event was to the members of the society.”This is bad because they were using money for the Olympics instead of paying off debt they owned or paying to advance their society.
Social-The society was largely isolated. This was bad because the other societies could have benefited them. “This society remained largely isolated from the rest of the world's civilizations, closely restricting foreign activities.” “Perhaps in reaction to popular uprisings going on around the world, leaders in this society proposed new limits on Internet use and media in October 2011. The proposal included some of the strictest measures in years. For example, the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television limited 34 major television stations to two 90-minute entertainment shows per week.” They were censoring television and internet so that the society wouldn’t get any ideas to rebel.
Geographical-"This society is well known for its vast population, which, despite strict population control policies, is still extremely high." Thia means that there population was so big but they didn't have enough room geographicaly to fit all of the people."Carrying out more than three-quarters of the world's executions."
Economical-“In annual sessions of the People's Congress in 1992 and 1993, the government called for accelerating the drive for economic reform, but the sessions were widely seen as an effort to maintain moves toward a market economy while retaining political authoritarianism.” Since 1993, the economy of this society has continued to grow rapidly.” This is good for the society because the wealth of the society is growing.
Social-“This society is well known for its vast population” This is good because they can have more people for a bigger military and jobs.
Geographical-“During this time, a writing system developed, allowing the emerging feudal states of the era to achieve an advanced stage of civilization, rivaling in sophistication any society found at the time in Europe, the Middle East, or the Americas.” This is good becausethey were so advanced.
Social-"Unfortunately, though nobody came out and said it, the "Dream" in this society was pretty much for certain people only. Other races, had a difficult, if not impossible, time finding success in life." This society was splitting up the races so they couldn't interact socialy. This was very bad for the other races.
Geographical-"Unfortunately, though nobody came out and said it, the "Dream" in this society was pretty much for certain people only. Other races, had a difficult, if not impossible, time finding success in life." This is bad because not all of the races got to have a fair chance when living in suburbs. The other race was split up from the other citizens.
Geographical-"There were over 10 million new homeowners. Living in the suburbs was attractive to many people for many reasons. You got out of the city, but you were still in close range of the job opportunities, while escaping the crowds. You got an actual house, a yard, and real community sense. The suburbs created a social dynamic unto itself." This is good because the suburbs made the homeowner feel they were in a community.
Social- Families were closer in this society. "watched family centered television shows." "The suburbs created a social dynamic unto itself."
Economical-“Despite this natural wealth, over 70% of its people live in poverty. Before their discovery in 1930, the former British Colony was just a dumping-ground for freed slaves.” This is bad because even though they have natural health, the majority of the people have poor and living in poverty.
Social- "Before their discovery in 1930, the former British Colony was just a dumping-ground for freed slaves." This is bad because the slaves that were left there had nothing.
Geographical-"Despite this natural wealth, over 70% of its people live in poverty." This means this is one of the poorist society's in the world today.
Economical-“It is among the top 10 diamond producing nations in the world.” This good because diamonds are a valuable mineral that they could trade in for a lot of money for their society. “This society is also among the largest producers of titanium and bauxite, and a major producer of gold.” This is good because they can also sell other minerals to make even more money for their society.
Social- "This society is also home to the third largest natural harbor in the world; where shipping from all over the globe occurs." This society must have a good relationship with other countries.
Geographical- "The country has relied on mining, especially diamonds, for its economic base; it is among the top 10 diamond producing nations in the world, and mineral exports remain the main foreign currency earner." This is good because the country is already naturally rich.
Social-“Business owned by these minorities were boycotted.” This is really bad because this means that people would start fighting and arguing. “As time progressed more laws were passed, and caused further problems.” This means that people would argue over what the law should be and how they should be written.
Goegraphic-Minority members of society could not go to public schools, theaters, cinemas, or resorts, and furthermore, they were banned from living, or sometimes even walking, in certain parts of the society.
Social-There was a lot of happiness and time for work and fun for holidays, picnics and more. “The leaders of this society set up Strength through Joy, which gave workers rewards for their work - evening classes to improve education, theatre trips, picnics, and even free holidays to encourage breaks from work for fun.” The society’s beliefs gave them enough hope and confidence to do really anything. “This society’s beliefs gave people hope and confidence for a better future.”
Goegraphic-He began a huge program of public works including planting forests, and building hospitals and schools. He also built public buildings such as an Olympic Stadium. The construction of new highways created work for 80,000 men.