Luokat: Kaikki - music - education - questions - learning

jonka Tierney Hunsaker 6 vuotta sitten


Starter 1

The text delves into various themes related to education and personal development. It explores questions about the immediate impact of procrastination on learning effectiveness and philosophical concepts such as realism, existentialism, and idealism.

Starter 1




potential daily topics

How we (ourselves) can in incorporate being physical in education in a philosophical perspective

educational platforms of the first ladies

Rewrite the seminary program

Questions about videos "The Common School 1770-1790" "As American as Public Schools"

Finish timeline of things you found significant (teacher strikes, immigration, common core, Michelle Obama healthy foods)

3 meaningless things I'm doing

social media

phone games (1010) or (2048)




The property of something thats makes that thing what it is




God made the universe, the world, and us without any particular purpose in mind
Existence come BEFORE essence
Exploration in learning


Am I an idealist if I always say "but maybe (good outcome) will happen" but in my heart I kind of know it won't

Potential Starter Topics

Grade Proportions Assignments --% Quizzes --% Tests --% Other --% Final --%

Look up music: Does it help open the mind?

If so, would it be useful to sing more songs in school? (outside music class)

Learning foreign Languages in American schools. Should it be implemented more? (especially grade schools)

Types of discipline Which ones are helpful? Which ones may be harmful?

Test Redos

Senior Projects Helpful?

Home schooling Neighborhood schooling

Would more people home-school if they didn't have to pay public schooling IF they home-school their children? Maybe NOT knowing that public teachers are trained and schools are treated as a daycare

Teamed teaching Good or Bad?

Bucket List

Be in sharing time

Potential Dailies

What new learning experiences will I experience today

If I put off homework of a new learned topic for a few days rather than that night, how much will that effect how well I can accomplish my homework.

Potential Finals

Current events?

Planning for next semester

Movies how it affected the way you saw the world



Religion vs Science
Science can produce truth but religion is truth


What is the right question?
Pragmatist Someone who doesn't argue about silly stuff


Plato #1

Free'd prisoner
Truth seekers/ Prayers
The shaddows
Lies with a little bit of truth in it
The Prisoners
People in the world
The fire
Philosophies of others (could be right or wrong)
The Sun
Truth/ Heavenly Father
The cave
the world

Imany Perry

Get to know your students
Everyone should be treated equal as a student. No biases
Thought and theory vs form and precision


Freedom to learn


Moral awareness
Individual does the deciding
remember alternatives and and different perspectives
living wide awake
Opposite of morality is indifference

Elder Bednar


Poor in education Everyone deserves an education
Head, Heart, Hand

Catherine Beecher

Who is fit to teach?

Steven Wolk

Shouldn't get regular worksheets each day
Students should be critical thinkers

Starter (mixed with Daily ideas)

Baby Spartans

How can we incorporate
Schools nowadays do not make physical education a priority (actual physical)
Do you have a strong will to survive?
The body was educated just as much as the mind
There is a connection between the two

Standardized Tests

Are not bad

Pay for performance

I think "performance" should be defined


Continue them?
Have more discrete variables to be graded (ex: spelling- you spell it right or not)
Should be given the choice to be emailed the scores
Should they be done away with?

Universal Design for Learning

Designing emotional elements to fit student needs as well
Designing physical elements to best fit each student

Required Ages of Teaching

Can drop out at 16 if wanted


Is it the teacher or Student's fault?
Student (No boring sacrament meeting)
Will live on and bear fruit takes work to keep though
You have something to burn but lasts temporarily

Education Issues

Strikes in Arizona
Students not getting their education
Teachers not able to support their families

How is BYU-I Different?

Tuition Subsidized/ Tithes funded used
Almost 100% Acceptance Rate
Track System
LDS Private School

Jewish Education

Everybody is a learner and a teacher

Hymn Book Reconstruction

The more involved we are the more meaningful these hymns will be to us.
How much money will it cost?
Why are we doing this? Were there problems?
The hymns are to reflect the needs of the world today

What we need: Building foundation on Christ


Being bullied does NOT excuse using violence
Educate individuals about guns and emotional support




music stick thing

Junior High vs Middle School

Middle school is more transitional
I would rather teach at MS I think
Junior high has multi ages

Teaching Skills

If you have a student who always talks, have that student direct questions and ideas to the class so that you get participation from the rest of the class
Teach things that are living (Parable)
Waiting so that everyone who has a thought can say it


Reason to limit volunteers
That person is already giving too much
Too many in one area

Tenet #2

Act and not be acted upon
Students need to act and not just do what they're told

Tenet #1

Student Centered: It's all about the learner