Luokat: Kaikki - dangerous - family - intelligent

jonka Madison Indycka - Edenwood MS (1564) 5 vuotta sitten


The Outsiders

After the death of their parents, Darry Curtis steps up to take care of his younger brothers, Sodapop and Ponyboy. Darry, at 20, juggles two jobs while managing the household, often clashing with Ponyboy, who feels misunderstood by his older brother.

The Outsiders

The Outsiders (PonyBoy Curtis)

Chapter 2 Objects

DX Gas Station The DX Gas Station is where Sodapop and his best friend Steve work.
Drive-in movie theatre The drive in movie theatre is where Ponyboy met Cherry and they started talking to each other. This is also where people go to watch movies.

Switchblade The greasers carry a switchblade around in their back pocket. The Socs also used it when they jumped Ponyboy. They made Ponyboy bleed on his neck because they cut him a bit.

Cigarette The greasers usually smoke cigarettes.

Coke Bottle All of the gang and Cherry and Marcia drank coke at the drive in movie theater.

Blue Mustang The Socs used a blue Mustang to follow Johnny and then jump him. The socs usually drive around in this Blue Mustang.
Madras Socs usually were Madras sirts.

Leather Jacket Greasers usually were leather jackets.

White T-Shirt Greasers were white T-shirts under their jackets and with other outfits lik blue jeans.


Cherry Valance is a cute redheaded soc cheerleader and goes to the same school as PonyBoy. Her real name is Sherri but her friends call her Cherry becasue of her red hair. At the drive-in movie theater, she and Marcia left their boyfriends because they were drunk, and wanted to drink but Cherry and Marcia didn't want to because they don't like that. Cherry wants the fighting and all the conflicts between the greasers and socs to end.
Marcia is a pretty dark haired soc and Cherry;s best friend. At the drive-in movie theater, she met Two-Bit and they hit it off right away. "They both share a sense of humor and a taste for nonsensical musings."

Sandy is Sodapop's girlfriend. In the first 3 chapters, we don't really hear about her.

Randy Anderson is a soc and is Marcia's boyfriend. His best friend is Bob Sheldon, whom he met in grade school.

Bob Sheldon is also a soc and was Cherry Valance's Boyfriend. Cherry broke up with Bob because he was drunk and she hates when people are drunk. He also said that they wouldn't get drunk, so essentially, they lied. Bob Sheldon is Randy Anderson's best friend.

Sodapop is one of Ponyboy's brother, the middle Curtis boy. PonyBoy actually likes him more than his other brother Dally. Sodapop is "handsomer" than anyone else he knows. He is happy-go-lucky and easy to talk to. The one thing PonyBoy hates about Sodapop is that, Soda dropped out of high school because he wasn't excelling in school. Now Sodapop works at a gas station with his best friend Steve.
Darry Curtis is PonyBoy's 20 year old Brother. Darry is raising PonyBoy and Sodapop because their parents died in a car crash. He is strong, intelligent and athletic. Darry works two jobs to get money and hold the family together. He makes really good chocolate cake, which he and his brothers eat for breakfast everyday. Darry accuses PonyBoy of lacking common sense, but Ponyboy is a reliable and observant narrator. Darry's greaser gang call's him "Superman".

Dallas Winston is the toughest greaser in the gang. He used to run around with other gangs in New York. Dally takes pride in his criminal record since he first went to jail when he was 10. His violent tendencies make him more dangerous than the rest of his greaser gang. Ponyboy actually said that Dally is a criminal and he doesn't like him "He got drunk, he rode in rodeos, lied, cheated, stole, rolled drunks, jumped small kids—he did everything. I didn't like him, but I had to respect him." Dally feels protective of Johnny Cade, who is the youngest in their gang.

Johnny Cade, the youngest of them all, 16 years old. He always has this fearful look in his eyes. Johnny is considered the gang's "pet", because he is scared and quiet in most situations. Abusive parents is why he is nervous and sensitive. Since his parents don't care about him, he sees the greaser gang as his true family. In return, the older boys, more so Dallas, are protective of him.

Keith Two Bit Matthews is the "joker" of the group because he is often times making wise cracks and goofing off. He talks non-stop and has a smart comment about everything no matter who he's talking to, even if it's the police. Two-Bit regularly shoplifts and prizes his black switchblade. He seems like a warm-hearted guy at least to the people he cares about.

Steve Randle is Sodapop's best friend since grade school. He is 17 and works at the gas station with Sodapop. Steve knows everything about cars and loves cars. He is cocky and intelligent. He sees Ponyboy as Sodapop’s annoying kid brother and wishes Ponyboy would not tag along so often.

Chapter 3 Objects

Empty Bottle When some of the gang was walking with Marcia and Cherry, other Socs pulled up in a mustang and Two-Bit said"you wanna fight?" Then he snatched an empty bottle from the ground, popped off the cap and gave it to Ponyboy
Mickey Mouse When Sodapop was twelve going on thirteen, he worked at a horse stable. Then he found/met a horse that he loved. Sodapop then named it Mickey Mouse. "He (Mickey Mouse) may have belonged to some other guy, but he was Soda's horse." Ponyboy said to Cherry.

Sunsets Ponyboy loves watching sunsets and in Chapter 3, he discovers that Cherry likes watching them too.

Facts about PonyBoy

He loves to read, write and watch movies
He enjoys to be alone when he can be

He is a dreamy and artistic boy

Ponyboy is 14 years old and the youngest of the Curtis brothers
Ponyboy is intelligent and gets good grades in school


After their parents died 8 months before the story takes place, Darry started taking care of SodaPop and PonyBoy. They could stay together only as long as they behaved.
Ponyboy likes Sodapop more than Darry because Darry picks on Ponyboy and Ponyboy thinks that Darry thinks of him as a "nuisance" and a dumb little kid.
Darry Curtis