jonka Kray Casper 6 vuotta sitten
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I have gone through my map and indicated what I feel are doctrine, principles, and tools in parenthesis next to the idea.
I made connections to Weekly 1 and Weekly 2. The colors of the connections indicate how well I feel I am doing and how I can get better.
Green-pretty good
I feel that I teach truth, so I am good with that aspect. I feel like I am a kind and loving person, but I can always get better.
yellow- in the middle
I am working on being humble, working hard and teaching with the spirit, but I feel like these things are always works in progress.
Orange - I am going to teach theatre and I have a lot of experience, but I am not quite a master yet, so I am working on being a better example of what I teach.
red- bad/need to work on it a lot
I am nowhere close to being perfect and I obviously don't have authority to teach yet. Even though I feel like I am a kind person, I feel like I can show it better as a teacher.
New Learning is something that you had no idea about before and learn about it. Insight is something that you grow on what you already know, possibly seeing new perspectives. Both are important to learning
I decided to keep my Weekly 2 on my Mindomo, so that I can link it to my other weeklies and help apply the development of my philosophy with the teachings of Jesus Christ. I went to the topical guide and looked up all the scriptures under Teacher, Jesus Christ, Teaching Mode of, and Jesus Christ, Exemplar. From the scriptures I picked out key principles from the scriptures that Christ taught and that he was a great example of.
This could also be a tool, because loving others helps them to learn better.
This could also be a tool to help a person become better and help others around them.
This ensured that whoever was willing to listen could get what they needed from Christ's teachings at the time.
This could be a doctrine, principle, and tool. The doctrine is to keep the commandments. The principle is specifically how Christ is the Master Teacher. It is also a tool that helps people become better.
This is a hard question, because no matter what I do I feel like there are always people that still do not feel safe. Just striving to ensure that students feel loved and that I use the Spirit to teach me what to do and how to help.
I want to be a teacher to help students to express themselves through theatre. I also want to help those that do not understand how it is important, to learn to at least appreciate it and not put it down.
Making sure every child is brought up to the correct level.
I agree with Kirkegaard that there is truth and untruth found in a crowd. I think that there is truth and untruth that can be found in everything. Yet, truth is not just what a person decides, because that defeats the purpose of truth.
I think that schools are a very effective place for people to learn how to contribute to society. I do not see anything wrong with teaching morals such as being responsible and respectable. I think the way that adults act are directly influenced by what they learn and how they learn when they are children.
Education is important no matter where it comes from. Something can be learned from any experience whether it is from a structured school or something else.
I believe that having religious teaching is very important in helping to have better people in society. I do not believe it should be done in schools; even though everything learned in schools can be a benefit and uplift everyone's spiritual progression, if they look at it in the right perspective.
I think that anyone can learn to do anything whether they distinctively have the innate talent or gift for that thing or not. It just depends on how much time a person is willing to take to learn.
I think that each gender naturally has characteristics that they each do. For example women are naturally more nurturing. I think this will affect the individual in how they teach. But still it doesn't matter who it is or how the teaching is done, as long as the teaching is done and done correctly.
I think that education should be individualized to meet a students needs. I also agree with Imani that education should help students to think for themselves and learn to come to answers for themselves. This makes learning so much more enjoyable.
I like how Elder Bednar explained that if we are taught the correct doctrine, the principles and applications are easier to understand. I think this will help people to understand why things are the way they are and how to act.
Students need to love learning. Wolk expressed his opinion on how to change the American school system with great passion and power. I agree with him that many students go school and learn to hate learning. We should be teaching students to be more open minded and excited about learning.
Safety is very important and necessary.
While, I don't believe gun control in society as a whole. I do believe that guns do not belong in schools other than gun classes. Teachers should not have to have guns. There are different ways to consider to stop school shootings, like stopping bullying, strengthening families, and rethinking classroom safety (technologies to give strength in keeping intruders out).
Metaphysics- beyond the physical
Epistemology- knowledge, logical discourse
Axiology- Value, what is of worth?
Ontology- the branch of metaphysics dealing with the nature of being.
Looking to History for what to do.
I am probably on the fence about competition. I think that competition is a great motivator, but in my experience the things that are supposedly supposed to be learned during the competition. For instance, in one of my seminary classes we had a competition for reading the scriptures. By the end I was one that finished and did well, yet I did not remember a lot of what I learned. Yet, as a performer not being casted in roles motivated me to want to become better and practice harder and eventually be casted into better roles. I agree with competition with one selves.
Assigned I think is better in a Team competition. That way no one feels left out and more people can learn from their peers easier. Assigned learning also ensures that the teacher can know each individual and how they are doing with their learning.
If it is an individual I think it will be best to take the Volunteer approach. This means that the person involved is responsible for the learning that happening.
Any of various systems of thought in which the objects of knowledge are held to be in some way dependent on the activity of mind.
Extreme skepticism maintaining that nothing in the world has a real existence.
Starting with the doctrine is the best way to help students understand why the principles and applications are important. Starting with principles and applications is not as effective.
the attitude or practice of accepting a situation as it is and being prepared to deal with it accordingly.