Luokat: Kaikki - vocabulary - concepts - presentations

jonka memi san 6 vuotta sitten


Urban - Street Art and Keith Haring

This educational content focuses on exploring urban and street art, particularly graffiti, and understanding its significance as an artistic expression. Students are introduced to various street artworks and vocabulary needed to describe these art forms.

Urban - Street Art and Keith Haring

Urban - Street Art and Keith Haring

Art around the world


Understanding and Applying
Lesson 1 In this lesson the students will learn about street or urban art through different examples and comparing it to conventional art examples. The presentation and Google Art Project are very useful tools. The first part will be oral and the teacher will introduce the theme and will make some questions to wake up previous knowledge. Talking about their own city graffitis, paintings or sculptures could be a good way to start. After this students will go through the first part of presentation, this is good to present street artworks and to have a general overview on art. The teacher will ask whether they consider the images as art or not. Afterwards teacher will surf on Google Art Project site where there are some examples of urban art. Activity 1 Street Art definition activity Pupils will have to order some cards with different words of pieces of the Street art definition. After ordering pupils and teacher are going to correct it and to discuss a bit about it. Activity 2 The teacher will ask the students to take some pictures of the graffitis, sculptures or other artistic expressions of their city. The pictures will be used in the third lesson.
Remembering and understanding
Lesson 2 Urban art vocabulary In this lesson we are going to use the second part of the presentation. But before presenting it we are going to do the first activity for this lesson. Activity 1 Images and definitions matching activity. After doing the activity we are going to correct it all together and to explain the concepts. Activity 2 Describing and guessin game. A pupil will have a picture and his going to describe it to another classmate who has to guess it. Pupils will describe tags, murals… and pictures related to the language of of this lesson.
Creating, Evaluating and Analising
Lesson 3 In this lesson we are going to talk about graffitis or about other street artworks of their own town and discuss a bit about shapes, colours, characters and drawings. First the teacher is going to present an image and hand them in a worksheet with the vocabulary they will need in orther to present their own images, about the graffitis, sculptures or other artistic expressions of their city. Students are going to prepare their own short presentations about the street artworks they have found and all together are going to decide whether consider them artworks or not.


Language through
Language for
Lesson 3 This is my picture This graffiti is in a street near… On the right there is... On the left there are… ...
Lesson2 I I can see a big wall and a name and some numbers on it. I think this is a tag, because there is a name and some numbers on the wall.
Lesson1 What can you see in this image? Do you know the name of the author? Where can you find this object-artwork? Is this an artwork? Do you consider these creations as artworks? I think that /because In my opinion/because This is a Street artwork, because it is in a public space.
Language of
Lesson 3 shapes (plane, geomatrical,closed,free, open, human shape) Colours (primary colours -red-yellow-blue, secondary colours mixing colours) Dark and light colours.
Leson 2 tag, legal walls, mural, installation, stencil, yarn bombing
Lesson 1 graffiti, sculpture, painting,building art, drawing, photograph size (monumental, big, large, small), public space (street, wall), museum, art gallery.


Plan and draw a mural based on Keith Haring’s work.
Learn about describing pictures, images, paintings .
Study the works of Keith Haring.
Learn about Haring’s Biography.
Think about the importance of art in public spaces.
Show the differences between good street art works (graffitis, paintings…) and those which are poorly done.
Learn about Urban Street Art