Luokat: Kaikki - inverse - differentiation - functions - integration

jonka Francisco Santana 12 vuotta sitten


VM266 3055

The focus is on various mathematical concepts, particularly logarithmic and exponential functions, along with their applications and properties. Integral calculus is explored through specific theorems that outline the integral rules of trigonometric functions like tangent, cotangent, secant, and cosecant, as well as exponential functions.

VM266 3055

Floating topic

Chapter 7: Logarithmic and exponential functions

Section 7.4: integration

Theorem 7.25: (i) integral of tanu du=-ln|cosu| + C (ii) integral of cotu du=ln|sinu| + C (iii) integral of secu du=ln|secu + tanu| + C (iv) integral of cscu du= ln|cscu - cotu| + C
Theorem 7.24: If u=g(x) and g is differentiable, then integral of e^u^ du=e^u^ + C
Theorem 7.23: If u=g(x)=/=0 and g is differentiable, then integral of 1/u du= ln|u| + C

Section 7.3: natural exponential funtion

If u=g(x) and g is differentiable, then Dx e^u^= e^u^ Dxu
Theroem 7.20: If p and q are real numbers and r is a rational number, then (i) e^p^e^q^=e^p+q^ (ii) e^p^/e^q^=e^p^-e^q^ (iii)(e^p^)^r^=e^pr^
Theorem 7.19: (i) lne^x^=x for every x (ii)e^lnx^=x for every x>0
Definition of e^x^: if x is a real number, then e^x^=y iff lny=x
Approximation to e: e~=2.71828

Section 7.2: natural logarithmic function

Guidelines for Logarithmic differentiation: 1) y=f(x) 2) lny=lnf(x) 3) Dx[lny]=Dx[lnf(x)] 4)1/y Dxy=Dx[lnf(x)] 5) Dxy=f(x) Dx [lnf(x)]
Laws of ln: if p>0 and q>0, then (i) lnpq=lnp+lnq (ii) lnp/q=lnp-lnq (iii) lnp^r^=rlnp for every rational # r
Theorem 7.11: if u=g(x) & g is differentiable, then (i) Dx lnu=1/u Dxu if g(x)>0 (ii) Dx ln|u|= 1/u Dxu if g(x)=/=0
Theorem 7.10: Dx lnx= 1/x
Definition 7.9: Natural logarithmic funtion, denoted by ln, is defined by lnx=intergral (from 1 to x) of 1/t dt for every x>0

Section 7.1: inverse functions

Corollary 7.8: If g is the inverse of a differentiable funtion f and if f'(g(x))=/=0 then g'(x)=1/f'(g(x))
Theorem 7.7: If a differntiable function f has an inverse function g=f^-1^ & if f '(g(c))=/=0, then g is differntiable at c and g'(c)=1/f'(g(c))
Theorem 7.6: If f is continuous & increasing on [a,b], then f has an inverse function f^-1^ that is continous on [f(a), f(b)]
Domains and ranges of f & f^-1^: D of f^-1^= R of f R of f^-1^= D of f
Theorem 7.3: Let f be a one-to-one function with domain D and range R. if g is a funciton with domain R and range D, then g is the inverse function of f iff both of the followin holds ture: (i) g(f(x))=x for all x in D (ii) f(g(y))=y for all y in R
Definition 7.2: let f be a one-to-one funcition with domain D & range R. A function g with domain R and range D is the inverse function of f provided; y=f(x) in R iff x=g(y) in D
Definiton 7.1: A function f with domaiain D & range R is a One-to-one fucntion if whenever a =/= b in D, then f(a) =/= f(b) in R.