Luokat: Kaikki - temperatures - magnetic - research

jonka Yousef Al Awad - Rick Hansen SS (2542) 6 vuotta sitten


What A Planet Needs to Sustain Life

Understanding what makes a planet capable of sustaining life involves examining various factors such as atmospheres, magnetic fields, and temperatures. Earth’s magnetic field plays a crucial role in deflecting harmful solar radiation, a feature absent in planets like Venus and Mars.

What A Planet Needs to Sustain Life


On a lot of planets, a large amount of water can be found but is beneath a thick layer of ice and so is hard to get

Earth gives humans easy access to water

What A Planet Needs to Sustain Life

When all information is gathered, it will be easier for scientists to calculate the amount of particles going through the atmospheres


To figure out if life on other planets is possible, actions have been taken
Spacecrafts have been sent to both planets (Mars & Venus)

MAVENS spacecraft currently orbiting Mars


Strong belief that over a period of time, humans will come to know of other planets that are habitable
Scientists are working towards knowing how many molecules move out of the magnetic field and if it influences it in any way

How & Why It's Important

research will allow us to gain knowledge about different atmospheres
Doing further research & gathering knowledge will help us understand if planets likes Venus & Mars were ever inhabitable & if they can be

Estimation of 40 - 100 billion of planets are inhabitable within our galaxy

Magnetic Fields
scientists say that magnetic fields help planets interact with energy of the sun & wind than with itself alone


Magnetic fields. Earth has magnetic fields to protect its inhabitants from the sun's radiation.

Has a magnetic field that allows energy to o through and reach Earth's atmosphere

Mars is unprotected because it has no magnetic field

Has no protection for deflecting solar particles

Temperatures. To be like earth, needs to be warm enough for water to be liquid.

Earth has perfect atmosphere because its not too cold or too warm


Too thin and cold atmosphere which makes it too cold to be liike Earth


too hot because the atmosphere is too thick & warm