6 of Hofstede's Dimensions on China
Score of 80

China's score for Power Distance is at a high number of 80 meaning the country faces various power imbalances. Although China is aware of these inequalities in power, their society accepts it and it is largely known as the cultural norm.
Score of 20
Very low score of 20 as China is a collectivist society that puts a group's interest ahead of individuals. High sense of conformity.
The family is very important and is often put ahead of individual needs.
Example: family dinners often have many side dishes that are shared instead of each individual having a plate of food like in western cuisine
Living with family is accepted as a practical way to save money as a family. Moving out is less common and even married Chinese sometimes live with in laws.
Filial Piety is the idea of respecting and taking care of your parents when they are old. Often leads to living with your parents to take care of them.
Score of 66
This score for Masculinity represent the values and motivation of majority of China's population. With many people prioritizing their work life, education and over all being the best in a specific field, China is driven by success and standing out.
Example: The stereotype that Chinese children are prodigies and excel in school steams from this characteristic where children are often taught to always prioritize their education and studies.
Score of 30

This low score reflects the adaptable attitude the Chinese have when it comes to uncertainty. There are many ambiguous phrases in the language to support this.
It is not uncommon for Chinese people to save money for emergencies.
In my opinion there are cases for where this is not true such as freedom to make decessions at a job. In Chinese culture is is common for people to refer to their superior before making decisions.
Long Term
Score of 87
This score shows that they focus much more on future plans and may put off short-term plans. They aren't stuck up in the past.
Score of 24
With a low score of 24 China is seen as a restrained country rather than an indulgent one. They feel pressured to follow social norms as indulging themselves feel wrong. Such as spending a lot of money