Treasure hunt
Activity with which it is intended to better understand the situation of children in the world and analyse why not all enjoy the same living conditions.
Deepen the knowledge of boys and girls around the world and their rights.
Become aware of inequalities between countries
1. The dynamic begins by asking the students to brainstorm about what the world is like and how they would like it to be.
2. When everyone has already spoken and we see it appropriate, we will tell them that to find out more information we are going to start a "world treasure hunt" in which we are going to learn a lot of things about the world's boys and girls and their rights. We will divide them into groups and start the search, for this we will have previously hidden the pieces by a delimited space. Every time a group finds a piece, it saves it so that, when we have them all, they can be put together and pooled.
3. We will read the information that appears in each of the pieces and we will comment on it together, relating it to the Rights of the Child.
MATERIALS: Cards, colored pencils
DURATION: 5 sessions of 1 hour

Sustainable school
Carry out a research project on what is a sustainable school
Know and understand what a sustainable school is
Work in teams
1. The children will investigate this concept, looking for information and examples of activities to apply in the day-to-day life of the school to make it more sustainable.
2. The activity will end with the preparation, in group, of a poster that summarises the information obtained.
MATERIALS: Computers to search information, cardboards, markers...
DURATION: Two hours
Photo debate
Photo debate on sustainable development
Reflect on our environmental impact and the consumption chain.
We will choose, by patrols, one of these two images and we will debate guided by these questions:
- Is there a direct consequence between our mode of consumption and some natural disasters that occur in the countries of the South?
- Do you know the consumer chain?
- What is the origin of many of the raw materials and first-generation foods that are consumed in the world?
- Once these raw materials have been converted into processed products, are the prices comparable? Are they accessible to the entire world population?
- Are there enough natural resources to respond to the needs demanded by today's society?
Materials: Two different photos
DURATION: One sessions