Affective bonds


references: X Chen; J Hu; Q Tang; Y Liu and J Zhai; (2016) Developement of the attachment affective picture system. social behavior and personality 44 (9) Scientific Journal Publishers. Revista educativa, educación infantil, unidad 1: desarrollo afectivo. En: J, Cuervo; J, Tobón; M, Vega. (2012) características de la construcción del vinculo afectivo de pareja en la juventud de la ciudad de Medellin; Revista CES psicología 5 (1) 49 - 64.

What is it?

Innate mechanism that drives him to seek safety.


Emotional behavior


Emotional control.

Social behavior

Relational aspects are replicated.

Stability and duration in relationships of all kinds.

Cognitive abilities

Problem resolution.


Moral standards




Prepare for the birth of the baby.

Understand and respond to the emotional needs of the child.

Avoid frequent or prolonged separations.

Use positive discipline.

Maintain a stable family life.

(see video only 1:46 to 6:00 minute)

Types of attachment

Secure attachment

effectively with emotion

promote interpersonal communication

Anxious attachment

strong need of intimancy

afraid of being refused when they make a request

Avoidant attachment

maintain a sufficient distance from others

suppress their emotions