

Anchor + experience with second knuckle of middle finger

Touch knuckle with thumb to anchor

Stacking other + experiences

Practice exercises

Strong anchoring in physical touching

Combining elements from the senses with internal comments and images creates anchors

Effectiveness in Anchoring

Use of imagination

Be specific in reliving + experience

Self-talk that leads to reliving + experience

The process of anchoring creates a new reality inside the mind

Changing someone's map (anchoring), will change their mental state

Anchoring gives us choices and choices are power and freedom

Anchored choices provide opportunities for change and growth

Anchored choices enhances the possibilities of obtaining desired outcomes

Different anchoring produces difference results


Reminder of + experience

Similar to circle of Excellence

Use of senses for anchoring

Ways to use Anchoring

Shifting negative thoughts or behaviors with positive ones

Increasing mental sharpness

Regaining focusing and concentration

Sharpens communications

Quality of life is determined by the quality of communications

Ways of communication influence the way people treat each other

Body anchoring (personal confidence) has a greater impact over verbal communication

Internal communication always reflects on physical de minor

Internal communication affects individual physiology (health)

Positive changes come from adding new personal resources (positive anchoring)

Mental maps are reinforced by the type of anchoring created and its strength


Reality is formed by internal representations (maps) of outside experiences

Most mapping is done unconsciously and automatically

Mostly people respond to internal mappings more than outside reality

Positive mapping has the power to override negative ones