It refers to the language resources used to negotiate emotions, judgements and valuations.
It refers to the language resources used for indexing group membership.
It includes:
Use of names:
Honey, baby, sweetheart
Adress terms: It could be friendly, unfriendly, neutral, respectful and disrespectful.
Dear students
Ladies and gentlemen.
Slang: Is the use of informal words and expressions that are not considered standard in the speaker's language.
Booze: Alcohol
Grub: food
Swearing: It means change a word of a sentence or expression.
Example: Oh my gush instead of say Oh my God.
Taboo Language: Words and phrases that are considered inappropriate in certain contexts.
Example: Talk about sex and religious.
Jargon: Is characterized by the usage of terms which are unfamiliar to most
Example: Agonal is a term to signify a major, negative change in a patient's condition.
Foreign Expressions
It represents an integral part of the English language and of many other languages too.
Catch phrases: Is a phrase or expression recognized by its repeated utterance.
Example:Resistance is futile.
It includes:
Expressive devices:Awful, amazing, great.

Adverbs: Incredibly, just, totally, really.
Verbs can express:
Likes Dislikes
Love Hate
It is divided into 3 categories

AFFECT: You show your personal feeling.
Un-hapiness: Happy, cheerful.
Down, sad.
In-security: Confident, composed.
Anxious, worried.
Dis-satisfaction: Interested, absorbed.
Tired, fed up.
JUDGEMENT: Expression of social sanctions and social esteem.
Social Sanction:Good, moral.
Immoral, wrong.
Social esteem:Brave, strong.
Unfortunate, peculiar.

APPRECIATION: Express your opinion about something or somebody.
Reaction: Nice, wonderful.
Horrible, boring.
Composition: Elegant, spacious.
Complex, extravagant.
Valuation: Profound, relevant.
Shallow, irrelevant.