Looking For Engineering Specifications
Making an RP model and product line
binder [ZP...]
ink [HP...]
powder [ZP150]
coating [ZP...]
process and machine type [e.g. 3D printing]
l x w x h [mm]
wall thickness [mm]
layer height [mm]
Amount of detail [# windows, etc.]
machine time and depreciation [hrs, $, etc.]
labour [hrs, $/hr]
raw materials [kg, # pkgs, $, etc.]
design [hrs, $?]
Optimizing space
proximity "distance" [meters]
footprint [sqft]
walking path [meters]
# of walking paths -- stages in the path, etc.
# of parts needed vs # of parts "there" -- if there is no standard, inquire to establish a potential standard, then monitor it and adjust it accordingly
size of parts (l x w x h) [inches]
frequency of orders? [daily, weekly, monthly, etc.] and size of orders [$, kg, sqft, etc.]
# of different types of parts
storage of parts
storage capacity
ease of reach [inches]
weight of parts [kg]
transportation of parts?
personnel requirements?
time associated with each?
orientation of parts
Quoting and order processes
# of tasks
# of quotes processed per day
How is the JO que managed? -- # of jobs waiting, # of jobs finished, time/job, setup time, etc.
# of people involved
Who is doing what task (labour rate - $/hr)
# of decisions being made
time/task [hrs, minutes]
# of redundant steps or tasks
accuracy of quotes ($ quoted / $ spent)
turnover rate of quotes to JO
delivery time success [hrs, days from estimate]
manual forms vs. automated forms and ensuing potential analysis [#forms/day/wk/month/quarter/year]
downtime cause and time [time of incident, duration of incident, machine failure issue, etc., date, hrs, cause codes, etc.]
preventive vs. predictive maintenance -- manual recommendations [tasks/day/wk/month/quarter/bi-annual/annual, etc.] vs. studied behaviour of the machine [cause and effect]
more steady runtime? (duration of periods w/o downtime) [parts/hr]
cost of labour [$/hr] (will this be affected if PM is done on weekends?)
work/hr (i.e. if work is more organized will more work get done in less time?)
$/minute? Does the factory use a metric like this?
will # of part defects be affected?
Defining a process
Process map
Tasks that need to be done
inputs per step or task
outputs per step or task
constraints per step or task
mechanisms per step or task
Once process steps are identified, what machines will help with each step -- specialized equipment? What are the machine specifications? (e.g. size, power rating, etc.)
Products of the process
Size of gas tank [m3]
dimensions of gas tank [in]
weight of gas tank [kg]
processing rate: gas tanks/hr recycled
delivery rate: gas tanks/day received
amount of recyled pellets generated [kg]