Communication Tools
Virtual Classroom Material
Second Life
Completely customizable
Virtural Classes
Easy to keep safe if done correctly
Class Wiki
Chat Feature allows for real time progress
Students can help maintain the site
without much training.
Great for keeping tabs on Homework
Online Poll System
Take measure of classroom activities
Gain knowlege of students understanding
Easy and paper free testing
Pod Casts
Good for students to post
their own ideas, comment
on class work and keep
in contact with groups.
Great for sending out announcments
Can add lessons for those who miss a day.
Unit Plan Projects
Web Quest
Uses multiple avenues of
Great and easy to follow
Fun and informative
Can be used by students,
parents, and teachers alike
Example WebQuest
Class Wiki
Safe and secure
Easy to maintain
Full colaboration
Web Pages
Easy to create/manage/and interact with
Allows for planning and correct timing
Allows Group planning and editing on documents
Fun alternitave to Power Point
Multiple people can work together,
editing and creating.
Calls upon multiple skill sets to create
Easily access and critique
Multiple people can be on working at once
Multiple tools for editing and typing
Great for Visual representation
Easy to use
Multiple avenues for design
Google Docs
Ease of adding and
manipulating documets
Out of Class
Old Fashioned
Gets Job Done
Online Grade Reports
Allows students and parents to
monitor and keep track of grades
News Letters
Hard Copy
Electronic Copy
Gives students, parents, and administration a
chance to see what and how the class is doing.
It also allows teachers a chance to make connections
with all involved.