Community Circle


How would you feel if you saw someone you love be hurt by someone's words or actions?

How does it feel to be interrupted?

How can you help someone work through their emotions? How do you work through your own?


What is bullying?

What do we do if we see or hear of someone being bullied?

Who are your trusted adults? Where can you find them?

The Classroom environment

What should the classroom environment LOOK like? What should it FEEL like?

When do we feel the most comfortable and calm on the classroom?

How do we feel in the classroom everyday?


What does it mean to be respectful?

How do we show respect?

How does it feel to be respected?

How does it feel to be disrespected?

What is Community?

What kind of communities do you belong to?

How do we build community? What does that mean to you?

What does community look like?


What does Anxiety feel like?

Butterflies in your stomach


Quick breaths

What gives us Anxiety?

How do we manage a "worry feeling"?