which car technology will change the world for the better?
electric cars
tesler, aulid, bmw, aston motion and jaguar are all car that are using electricity to power the car. the best car company so far at making electric cars are tesla and bmw.

diesel cars
diesel car have been around along time most car companies have made a diesel car in there time. in 2030 or 40 diesel cars will be band and it will be illegal to drive.
hybrid cars
the first hybrid car that was ever made was the Toyota Prius released in japan in 1997. this was the first low price hybrid ever and it started fro there.
petrol cars
petrol car are also going to be band for use in 2030 and 40. patrol cars have not been around as long as the diesel cars, but petrol cars are better and more eco friendly than the diesel cars.
self driving
in august 1961 the first self driving car was made (Aeromobile 35B) from then we have mad self parking cars and fully self driving cars. the first fully self driving car was the tesla model x that still has problems it crashed in to a whit wall the driver died because it could not see the wall.
self parking
self parking cars have been around longer than self driving cars. to have a self parking car it uses less fuel to park and it makes it easier if you are an eldiley.