Energy sustainability

There are a series of indicators to assess the energy sustainability of a country:
Renewal rate of the total supply of raw energy
Percapita renewable rate
Residential sustainability index
Hydro-energy dependency index in the total renewable supply
Oil dominance index
Most countries have followed a development model which has implied improvements in quality of life and environmental impacts
The higher the human development index, the countries have a greater ecological footprint
Product of
Increasing pressure on your resources
It is the balance between 3 main dimensions
Energy security
It is the one that carries an effective and safe management of local and external energy resources
Social equity
This is what ensures that energy is accessible to the entire population
Environmental sustainability
It is the one that requires the mitigation of negative impacts

It is about meeting the needs of the current generation without sacrificing the ability of future generations to meet their own needs

Energy is the basic key for the development of any society

Renewable energy
Renewable energies have become a real alternative to move towards energy sustainability
They are those obtained from natural and inexhaustible sources