Eric Cameron Star Report
Team Work
My shed flew away into my neighbors yard
To cut the shed apart with a saw and clean up
the four of us worked as a unit to get the shed gone
The shed and shed pieces were taken to the dump and we had a pizza diner at the end
Interpersonal Skills
I helped my friend who was struggling with depression
Texted him and tried to get him out of his house
I called another friend to help out
The 3 of us went on a long bike ride
Communication Skills
I was teaching a hockey class a new drill
I was to come up with a hockey drill
I made up the drill
The class got to learn a new drill in practice that i tough them
Technical Skills
My dad needed to backup and restore his old iPad to his new iPad
I was to help him figure out the correct settings
I was able to restore his iPad and back it up
His new iPad had all of his old stuff on the new one and i got 30 dollars for setting it up
Problem Solving Skills
Was getting mad at the bus
I was to find my way to get from my house to the college
I looked it up on the bus HSR app
I manged to get to the college
A young boy asked me to tie his hockey skates
I was to make sure that his skates were tied up not to tight and not to lose
I helped him tie his skates
He went out to skate and enjoy himself and i felt good for doing that
Motivation And Initiative
I didn't want to attend school for the longest time
I wanted to come to a college
Man up or shut up i applied to attend Mohawk college
Do great things at school and graduate
Flexibility/Adaptive Skills
Go to my placement interview
To get myself to the interview no matter what
I found my way to my interview with a ride
I had the interview and meet up with the people who might take me
Strong Work Ethic
To help unload grapes and whine juice
I went to the back to get the grapes and juice
I helped the customer out got him the grapes and some extra boxes
The customer gave me a 5 dollar tip and we both felt good after
Organizational Skills
To clean up the mess at the gym
I went to sweep the floors was the floors and take the garbage out
Also i racked the wights i ended up cleaning the entire gym
Everyone was happy that the gym was clean and tidy so was the manager đ