Events in the History of US Education
In order of importance
1. Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka
This court case ruled that school segregation was unconstitutional
2. Kalamazoo Case
Established the constitutionality of taxing the public to support public elementary and high schools.
3. Progressive Education Association
organization formed by John Dewey calling for scientifically measurable education. Lasting influences include teaching through projects, field trips, and non-lecture methods of instruction.
4. No Child Left Behind
Passed in 2001, relied on standardized tests to measure assessment.
5. The Common School
Early public elementary education
6. English Grammar Schools
First public secondary education
7. Lau v. Nichols
required schools to offer students sufficient special instruction to be afforded educational opportunity.
8. The Public High School
public secondary education meant for students that could not afford private academies.
9. Plessy v. Ferguson
established "separate but equal" thus permitting school segregation
14. Junior High/Middle School
Junior High was introduced in the early 20th century
Middle School was introduced in the 1960s to provide more of a transitionary period between elementary school and high school.
11. Morrill Act
Gave federal land to states if they used the profits for the land to establish colleges to teach agriculture or mechanical arts. Foundation for many state college systems
12. Old Deluder Satan Act
Law in Massachusetts Colony requiring a town of 50 families or more to hirer someone to teach their children reading and writing.
13. Kindergarten
Idea borrowed from Germany providing educational opportunities before elementary school