Exterior of house


prepare site

dig hole for basment

ensure it is deep enough and wide enough

build wood frame for concrete foundation/footing

reinforce with re bar for extra strength

then make sure the frame is level

pouring concrete into frame

add re bar to the concrete while wet to ensure structural strength of walls

remove wood frame from the dry concrete

add gravel to outside of footing to ensure good drainage

adding drainage pipe all around the parameter of the foundation

adding gravel to the basement floor to avoid moisture and around the dranage pipe to avoid dirt build up with in it

installing sewage pipeing

putting up wooden forms for foundation walls

adding re bar to ensure strength of the walls also adding bucks for placement of windows

filling wall with concrete and adding threaded anchor bolts to the wet concrete so that the upper part of the house is bolted down

remove wooden forms from concrete wall

building frame of house

add mustre barrerors were wood toches concreate

build basement walls and bolt into place

adding beams to the walls in the beam slots

add floor joists for subfloor

add plywood all over the beams and nail them in

build wall frames for all of the upper floor

build stairs for 2nd floor and then start building wall frames for that floor and putting them in place then add beams to them and plywood for floor

make interior walls

start working on roof and installing the pre built trusses and then add structual suports for them

roofing and windows

add plywood sheathing to it and then concrete paper

add facial boards the the outside of the roof making it look nice and to hide the gutters behind it

adding light frame work to the roof for the concrete tiles then use nails to but the tiles in place

then picking out what windows to but on the house then nailing them into place the adding a weather resistance construction babe to avoid moisture

exterior finishing

adding brikes to the house

then adding exterior ceiling

finishing all minor finishes to the house

patios,driveway,and utilities

adding concrete block retaining wall

reinforcing the whole drive way with re bar

filling driveway,walkway, and back deck with concrete

adding slits to the concreat so it doeset have abvois cracks then adding a retardent

washing the concrete and leaving it clean ten adding a sealer add a sealer to the concrete

then connecting gas line,plumbing and electrical to the gauges