

Jade is a black teenager who lives in a poor neighborhood. Her mom's job doesn't pay a lot, but she got a scholarship to go to a rich private school. She also really wants to go to college.

Jade's mom


Jade's mom is poor. She keeps losing jobs, but finally secured a place working for one of Jade's friends' moms mom. She is also worried that Jade doesn't have any friends her new fancy school.



Josiah is a kid in Jade's school. He is also black but he is popular in her school and everyone likes him.

Lee Lee


Lee Lee is Jade's best friend who Jade had in her old school. (Not a lot of information about this character.)



E.J is Jade's uncle. (I don't know a lot about this character yet.)

Ms. Parker


Ms. Parker is one of Jade's teachers. She gave Jade an opportunity to go to college if she does a mentoring program, which Jade wants to do because she wants to go to college.

Glamor Girl


Glamor Girl is a girl in one of Jade's classes. Jade calls her Glamor Girl because she is always putting on lip gloss. (I don't know a lot about this character, but I feel like she could be a part of a big thing that might be coming up.)