Mindomo Assignment #1 - Units 1-3 CHC2D
Started June 28, 1914
Because of the assassination of the Austrian archduke,
Franz Ferdinand and his wife
March 9, 1916
Germany declares war on Portugal
Ended June 28, 1919
Germany and the Allied Nations (including Britain, France,
Italy and Russia) signed the Treaty of Versailles
Roaring 20's
Started January 10, 1920
League of Nations was created at the end of WWI as an organization of countries established to keep peace
August 18, 1920
19th Amendment allows women to vote
January 9, 1924
Ford motor company is created
Ended October 24 1929
The stock market crashed
Stock Market Crash
Started October 24, 1929
As a result pf various economic imbalances and structural failings
October 28, 1929
The market fell again
Ended October 29, 1929
Black Tuesday investors sold over 16.4 million shares and the following day the stock market closed
Cold War
Started February 4, 1945
Because western democracies had always been hostile to the idea of a communist state
October 3, 1990
East and West Germany were reunited as one country
Ended December 26, 1991
The Soviet Empire had fallen and the United States became the world's only remaining "superpower"
Started September 1, 1939
Because Germany invaded Poland
April 6, 1941
Yugoslavia surrenders to the Nazi's
Ended May 8, 1945
Because Germany surrenders
Dirty 30's
Started January 1, 1930
Because of severe dust storms which caused major agricultural damage to prairie lands but in some cases drought and decades of extensive farming without crop rotation
April 14, 1935
Black Sunday the worst dust storm of the Dust Bowl occurred, causing the greatest damage yet
Ended fall of 1939
Rain returned in significant amounts signalling the end go the Dust Bowl