Poetry terms


- It is a metrical foot you use to show two syllables with one stressed and one unstressed.

Ex) soccer, hero, pencil, and open


- It is a way you explain the whole by part

- Whole represents a part or part represents the whole

Ex) Give me a hand --> the hand does not mean a real hand on your body. It means 'help'


- It is a Japanese poem of 5 lines

1&3 line- 5 syllables 2,4 &5 line- 7 syllables

Ex) This is one tanka by Carl Brennan

The age of gold --Cranach's swaggering Venusdressed in carcanetand cestus, her splendorinvading the world's black edgeCarl Brennan


- four metrical feet

- a line with 4 stressed words

Ex) This is one poetry:

And DID those FEET in ANcient TIMEWALK upon ENgland's MOUNtains GREEN?And WAS the HOly LAMB of GODOn ENgland's PLEASant PAStures SEEN?