Regulatory center of Emergency and Disasters
Has a SNPd decree 919 of 1989
Article 1. object
Establishes conditions and requirements for the functioning of CRUE
That the territorial entities have an adequate regulation of emergencies and disasters
All through the promotion of SGSSS
Article 2. definition CRUE
Operative unit that coordinates and regulates the emergency access of the affected population
Article 3. Requirements and Conditions of CRUE
A)Territorial guarantee: departmental and territorial health guarantee by agreements with CRUES
B) Competition: it finances CRUE through agreements or contracts
C) Authorization: departmental health for organization of a CRUE
D) Geographic integration: a single CRUE in several departments if the geographic situation requires it
E) Organization and coordination of communications network

Solves security problems by natural and anthropic phenomena
Article 4: Requirements and conditions for operation
Professional coordinator with disaster experience
Emergency medical or nurse regulator
Radio operator
support staff
Communications equipment for health care
Equipment for a good development, internet access
Autonomous power plant
Central communications
Fourth or crisis situation
Office coordination or regulation CRUE
Resources health center
Access to the system to coordinate and integrate health care
transport network
Set of basic medical transportation of patients; Land, air, river or sea
Article 5. functions of CRUE
Assistance to patients in emergency situation
Must be able to respond efficiently and coordinated with SNPAD entities
Guide SGSSS members on emergency regulation, prevention and preparedness
Orderly use of emergency services
Perform response actions that correspond
Guarantee pre-hospital care at the place where the service is provided
Article 6. financing according to law 715 of 2001
Resources of departments, districts and municipalities
Resources from contracts with entities
Resources of entities that are part of SNPAD
Resources agency of cooperation