
Roland Barthes
one of his atributions is, he is an french essayst and social and liteary critic.
In his contributions we can find that his writings on semiotics were called the formal study of symbols and signs pioneered by Fernindand de Saussure.

Jacqes Derrida
He says that there has to be a tracsendental signified for the difference between signifier and signified to be somewhere absolute and irreducible
He has another important belief, and that is: He deals more with the analysis of writen texts.
what his theories say mean: connotation based on history, period, social class, culture, etc.
Charles Sander Pierce
He made some contributions to philosophy, mathematicas, logic and semiotics
His definition for sign says that something which stands to som ebody for something in rspect or capacity.
3 Types of signs wich he says are: Symbols, icon, and index

He is the father of linguistics during the 20 century.
His theory says that a language is a system of signs that express ideas , and for him, that is the most important of all systems.