Theories and Thinkers

The Syrian civil war started off with the regime torturing and capturing peaceful protesters

A boy name Mouawiya Syanesh spray painted anti regime slogan on the side of his school. He was captured and tortured

Noam Chomsky thinks Syria can revive

Noam Chomsky exsplains that if Syria could revive after the first world Syria can revive after this civil war their will just be struggles for civilians and more violence before the war will be resolved ww.

Displaced people in Syria


14 million Syrian refugees where forced to flee the country for safety , neighbouring countries can’t hold and help that many people

More than 6.8 million people in Syria are displaced in the country, these internal refugees are forced to constantly move around in fear of violence and attacks. They live in less than human condition

Russia supports the regime

Russian president Vladimir Putin is protecting the upper caucus from terror attacks , but he is also fighting with the regime in the hope of oil money and to defeat isis

IsIs is deep in Syria

Their are over 10,000 isis members taking residence in Syria In hope to hold up an Islamic views in Syria while the conflict

Bashar Al Assad has been aloud back into the Arab Spring

After the Arab spring shunned so to speak Bash al Assad after he killed peaceful protesters , he was just recently voted back in , yet again giving his regime that much more power