Did Anyone Win the War of 1812?

What Caused the War of 1812?

Started with conflict in Europe

France was in the Reign of Napoleon,
and he aimed to diminish British trade
by not allowing British ships into the European Ports he controlled

Also all neutral or french ships would
need to go to a special port before allowed to go to a British Port called Continental Ports

America was considered neutral in the European Conflict, and found the rules annoying

Later the British stopped America from traded in Europe, and started searching their ships for "contraband", even trying to take native boys to sail on British ships

Ships were searched for harboring British Soldiers who joined the American army, upsetting the Americans

The British wanted to resolve the issue diplomatically, but the message to America didn't get there fast enough, days later, America declared war on Britain

And on the 18 June, 1812 President Madison signed the Declaration of War

Why did President Madison declare war?

The British were seizing ships that were trading with France

Many seizures of sailors

The british were about to send a agreement about the trade when the Americans declared war on them

General Info.

A military conflict between...

The United States (America)

Great Britain (England)

Included the Colony Of Canada

Lasted from 1812-1814

As A Colony of Great Britain,
Canada was swept into the war

Fought In Upper Canada, Lower Canada, Atlantic Region,the Great Lakes, and America

Ended with the Treaty Of Ghent, which returned everything to status quo

The Treaty Of Ghent

General Prevost's decision to withdrawal from American territory affected the peace negotiators in Britain, forcing the British to have lower demands

Forced Negotiators to lower demands and accept status quo on territory

Article One States: There shall be peace between the Americans and the British, no more hostilities on water or land, and return everything to status quo.
Article Two States: There shall be no more violence and hostilities, and all vessels taken shall be returned.
Article Three States: All Prisoners of War shall be returned to their side
Article Four States: The Bay of Fundy and nearby islands will be examined for evidence pointing to who shall claim them. (America says it's in boundary, British say already claimed by a past treaty)
Article Five States: That the River St.Croix Boundaries will be fixed and mapped.
Article Six States: The Boundaries in the Great lakes shall be examined and potentially set to the middle of the lakes.
Article Seven States: The boundaries west to the great lakes to be altered from the ones set in the Treaty of Paris
Article Eight States: All Commissioners are protected by the two governments and may hire anyone that they need.
Article Nine States: America will put an end to any hostilities from the First Nations towards the Americans by providing them with the luxuries they have prior to the war.
Article Ten States: Both sides will do there best to eliminate the slave trafficking and promote human justice.
Article Eleven States: The treaty shall not be altered by both sides.

Did Anyone Win?

Canadian Reasoning

A myth was started stating
that the soldiers were the
reason that Canada kept it's

This helped create the
sense of community and

First Nations

The Death of Tecumseh and
defeat of the first nation at
the Battle of the Thames
(Where he died) weakened
the Tecumseh confederation

Also defeats halted any hope
of stopping American expansion
into first nation territory

Although the land and culture were
better preserved as the British
abandoned the allies leaving the
First Nations alone

American Reasoning

The issue of trade right
and impressment were
not solved in the war

But The Great Lakes
were opened to the
American Expansion,
and was thought to be
a victory for the Americans
were opened to the
Americans for expansion
and was thought to be a
victory for the Americans

What did they lose?







First Nations

Lost the power
to keep the
Americans from
expanding onto
their land

American Fear
Towards them

British Ideas of a
Native State


What did they gain?


Land In Spain


First Nations





Pierre Berton And James Marsh "War of 1812" The Canadian Encyclopedia. Eds. Tabitha Marshall. Toronto: Historica Canada, 2012. Web. 19 May. 2016.


"Treaty Of Ghent [December 24, 1814]". Historycentral.com. N. p., 2016. Web. 24 May 2016.

"James Madison Declares War On Britain In 1812". VOA. N. p., 2014. Web. 30 May 2016.

America Bias

"Treaty Of Ghent - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.Com". HISTORY.com. N. p., 2016. Web. 2 June 2016.

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